The early winter mountain forests were exceptionally cold, and the team of over two hundred struggled to move forward. Min Li led the group, with a light machine gun draped over his shoulder, its barrel wrapped in oilcloth.
Most of the soldiers from the New Liberation Front came from refugee ranks, with a few being survivors from the first civil war. Min Li's father had once followed Li Bin into the mountains to fight as guerrillas; now it was his turn to join the fray.
This was all told to Wei Tianyang by Li Bin.
Over ten minutes later, the team reached the edge of the forest, facing a field of broken stones. Beyond that lay a steep pebbly slope, and the white base of the surveillance post was sticking out from the mountainside.
The post was embedded at the top of a high peak, blending into the mountain. The enormous iron sphere, like an old pendulum from a bell, was held captive within the hourglass-shape building by dozens of huge chains.