Jumper of 2030


After the invisibility cloak that mantled the Hellstorm Alpha Base, Luke's greeted by the soft breeze of agricultural lands, sprawled along the sides were yellow cornfields, sprouting corn ready for the taking. On the other side were greeneries, root crops, various people tending to them, with anti-pest sprays and soil cultivation.

The two fields separated each other with a wide expanse of concrete road, beaten by the test of time, and after a quarter mile from the entrance gate stood gray and solid structures of concrete or stone.

Hellstorm Alpha seemed to be half the size of Fort Orion, only that one would see the agricultural front first rather than a military base. There was a softness in it, like a residential sector than a military fortress. The mounted aerial defenses could be in between the barracks. The air sent swirls of freshness like scents of pollen from flowers.