Chapter 127: Frantic Poaching

It was Zhao Ziguo, having seen Xiao Yifei's reaction, who first rushed to speak. He was eager to recruit Xiao Yifei to their hospital because he was genuinely impressed with Xiao Yifei, whether it was due to having treated Jiang Mingquan in the past or the feats revealed today. Otherwise, he wouldn't repeatedly address a man over fifty as 'big brother!'

He spoke hastily, saying that if it weren't for Xiao Yifei's exceptionally young age, he would have given him everything possible! However, no matter what, Zhao Ziguo still adhered to conventional wisdom, which was locked in the belief that older doctors possessed superior Medical Skill. Thus, as the dean, although he was sincerely impressed by Xiao Yifei's medical skill and respected him greatly, he offered Xiao Yifei only the title of chief physician.