Chapter 156: Ten Minutes

Qiu Shaobing's eyes were full of anger as he looked at Xiao Yifei and said in an unfriendly tone, "If you know it, you know it; if you don't, you don't. Ten minutes, what do you need ten minutes for? Such a simple question, and you need to think about it for ten minutes? Any student you ask could answer it right away. It's an answer you could find in a book in less than a minute. Why do you need ten minutes?"

Qiu Shaobin's attitude suddenly changed, he was filled with rage towards Xiao Yifei! It seemed to be true! Xiao Yifei must have entered through backdoor connections, a teacher without genuine knowledge or skills! Wasn't this misleading the students? How could such a teacher educate good students! He even dared to boldly claim that he could teach the students well, how could that be possible!

Qiu Shaobin's anger was almost bursting, it was visible, his beard seemed to be curling up from his fury.