I stood there, staring long at the entrance to the house, feeling like a part of me had been ripped out again as soon as he walked out that door.

There was one question that I had left… would he ever come back?

Did I regret that I slept with him? No, and I don't think I ever would, but I knew that what he had said had unknowingly put more pressure on me. Now I felt attached, that was never a good thing because somehow a part of me knew that when the time came to leave, I wouldn't want to. It would hurt like hell.

"You already look like you're one step away from running after the car." I heard a cool voice behind me, and I jerked, not expecting that someone would still be awake at this time.

When I turned around, I saw that it was just Micheal who was looking at me with a sad look in his eyes.