Silence and a faint ringing sensation in my ear as the gun kicked back in my grip, the sharp crack of the shot echoing through the warehouse. Julius let out a strangled yell, stumbling back, clutching his shoulder as blood bloomed across his suit.
I had shot him at the last minute. I couldn't do it. I couldn't put a bullet through Vincenzo. Even if I did, I would end up being killed, something about those men told me that they simply wanted Vincenzo to experience true pain by dying by my hands then they would kill me too. I wouldn't give them that satisfaction.
Chaos erupted.
Vincenzo moved first, despite the fact that he could barely stand. He lunged forward, the chair he was strapped to groaning under his weight as he jerked against the restraints. His body was failing him—he was weak, battered, bleeding out—but his eyes burned with a fire that hadn't died.
"Get her!" Rossi barked, already reaching for his gun.