Chapter two Bottled Feelings

Anna walked briskly towards William's room, It hadn't been easy but she had made them know that if a woman could rule Azurethra then she could perform her duty to William, king or no king.

Her father had told her she was strong, she had never believed that. All along she had depended on his strength even when she had her own personal missions which was rare, she had always worked with him and carried out investigations under him. She had failed to carried out his instructions, the truth be told she also looked at herself as being unsuitable, she was scared of failing. She failed to see the strength which her father saw in her.

She stopped at the door thinking of what to say to William when she heard the sound; a woman moaning in pleasure.

She felt her heartbeat rising, he couldn't even wait a bit before finding a woman to satisfy him, she had heard of his womanizing all this while. If he desired a woman he got her whether she was married or not he had never cared.

She knocked on the door angrily controlling herself with difficulty from bursting the door open. She knocked again before she heard footsteps and then the door was finally opened.

She was pretty she must say, her blonde curly hair, those forget me not blue eyes, from the wrap she placed around her she could see the swelling of well round breast.

"Haven't you ever seen a woman's breast?" the lady said scornfully.

"I want to see king William," Anna retorted angrily.

"Where are you from," the lady said scornfully again.

"We no longer have a king in Azurethra but a queen. Queen Vivianne," she said letting her wrap fall down showing a glimpse of her well shaped beautiful body before shutting the door in Anna's face.

It all made sense now. The lady was Vivianne, William's cousin. The daughter of his father's sister.

It was obvious she wasn't working alone, Vivianne had never been intelligent or wasn't she behind this? Who was the man with her? All these loose end made Anna realize she had a long way to go. She turned around trying to figure out which way to go when a servant came her way.

She asked the servant for William's new room and she was directed.

Getting there, she knocked and opened the door without waiting for a reply this time.

Immediately she set her eyes on him her heart stopped beating.

'As handsome as ever,' she thought. He was sitting in his wheelchair close to the window staring out. She stared at me not announcing her presence, she was only human after all, who on earth could stop herself from loving this man. How could she have forgotten that face .

William turned abruptly as if sensing someone was there. She walked in and noticed that he did nothing to hide the hostility in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" William asked coldly.

Anna could see the hurt in his eyes, could feel his pain, all she wanted to do was to hug him, smother his face with kisses and tell him that she was never going to leave him.

"I'm here to take my rightful position in the castle; the king's right hand man," she said instead.

"Haven't you heard we no longer have a king," William said in a mocking tone.

He never fathomed that he would lose his legacy this way, he looked at his useless legs and looked at Anna.

"A paralyzed man isn't fit to rule Azurethra," he said trying to ignore the discomfort her stare was causing him.

She was ever so sure of herself, a strong girl if you would ask him.. no she wasn't a girl anymore, the lady standing in front of him was a full grown woman. A very beautiful woman.

He never once doubted she would grow into a beautiful woman, those sea green eyes that did complement her alluring skin, her long red hair which he had been lucky to see once flowing without pins.

Anna had never worn make-up, her soft feminine scent filled his nostrils now and more than ever he wished he hadn't let her leave that faithful day. She had always been different from other ladies, carried herself differently, she was the one woman he yearned for and was yet to feel her naked skin on him.

That thought made him remember his plight, he was a paralyzed man. The table had turned round now, he was now the one unsuitable for her.

Anna shivered in his stares, William always gave out stares that made one lose focus, that made one forget who they were.

The door opened suddenly and Tony walked in, this brought them out of the spell they had both cast on themselves.

Anna finally found her tongue, "King or no king, I am your right-hand man, king or no king, it's your claim William and I won't let who ever is behind this succeed," she said.

"Know this now William, they're are not done, they won't stop here until they see you dead, we have to be ready for them. I beg you William, listen to me and do what I say, I made a promise to my father and I plan on keeping that promise.

'So that was why she was here,' William thought. A promise.. not because she cared, not because she still felt anything for him, it would be hard having her around and not being able to touch her, no he did not want her here. He cared about the kingdom no more.

"I command you to leave this castle," William said sternly using his kingly authority.

"You can't command me when you no longer have the royal seal William," Anna replied. "I'm here to get it back for you and not even you can stop me," she said and walked out fuming with rage.

She went back to her estate, packed the rest of her needed belongings and her father's dairy, no one was stopping her now, not even her love for William.