Chapter fifteen Sire Roland

Living in the castle and seeing William everyday became a nightmare for Anna, night times were worst.

She was sitting in the garden staring at the stars in the sky, she couldn't sleep once again.

The night was very cold and it was threatening to rain, she sat there not making any move to go in.

She needed the rain, it was going to be the last rain after all before winter.

A rain droplet touched her lips, she brought her tongue out licking it.

She smiled as she remembered her mother dancing in the rain with her in her arms.

"The rain is our friend Maris," she had said.

Maybe that's why the cold meant nothing to her, her mother had made sure of that and her father also.. whenever she fell she was scolded when she cried.

The Anna who never cried whenever she fell cried like a baby for a man who she never really had.. what an absurd word!

The little droplets turned into heavy rainfall gradually, Anna stood up whirling around and smiling.

The game was starting any moment now, she needed to change. She was hoping to meet Roland privately for a talk.

Rushing in with her clothes sticking to her skin, she used her hand to cover her breast.

"Lady Anna where in the heavens are you coming from damped," Roland said stopping the lady on her tracks.

This was just who she wanted to see but she couldn't talk to him with this damp clothes sticking to her skin.

"Sir Roland give me five minutes to get off this damp clothes, I want to have a talk with you."

"We could always talk now," Roland said smiling cunningly.

"It's inappropriate and I could catch a cold," Anna replied.

"You would have thought about that, Roland whispered in her ears his body touching hers. "It surprises me," he continued, "it surprises me that one has to get so close to you to catch your scent."

"Excuse me sir Roland," Anna replied already feeling uncomfortable moving backwards, "just five minutes she said," walking away.

"I'll be waiting for you in the music room, lady Anna, five minutes," he said indicating with his fingers.

Getting to her room Anna quickly got out of her wet clothes, folding them properly and placing them on the table.. she had never been one to throw clothes carelessly.

She unpinned her hair wrapping a towel around it.

She grabbed a pale lavender gown, with a slit at the side, dried herself with another towel before putting it on.

She dried her hair with the towel she had wrapped before plaiting it and securing it with pins.

Staring at herself in her mirror, she felt she was tamed as possible as she could. No one was supposed to see her now and still harbour feelings. The beautiful and desirable Anna awhile ago was now looking like a nun in this gown and her hair pinned this way.

Giving herself one last glance she walked out heading to the music room.

"Lady Anna, five minutes you said," Roland said playing the piano.

"A woman never keeps to time," Anna answered feigning a smile.

"It's no news you can play the piano," sir Roland said, "Amuse me my dear girl, just a tune. We could talk while you play.

Anna saw no harm in it, after all playing the piano made her think deeply.

She sat down playing a slow tune, "so what have you been up to lately, sir Roland."

"I beg your pardon but I believe my activities are none of your concern.. lady Anna," Roland replied smiling. "You've been snooping around my office lately, you have a land issue you want me to handle or it's just your personality to snoop over people affairs," Roland continued.

Anna smiled lightly, "let's just say It's my personality, I heard things actually.. you've got a hand in the king's accident, haven't you?"

"False accusations lady Anna, I've got no hands in William's accident, I suppose we are to drop the title.. he is king no more," Roland said grinning wickedly.

"Anna smiled again, the man did not cease to amuse her, " I will take it you're just saying this because it is just the two of us here, you dare'nt say it to prince William and don't you fucking think I'm scared of you, she said playing a high pitch."

Roland smiled widely, "my dear girl.. my dear dear girl, the little grudge between the king and I isn't enough to make him paralyzed, a woman isn't worth that work.. no, I had no hand in William's accident."

Anna stared at the man not quite sure what to believe.

"If you start believing everything you hear, lady Anna, there'll be nothing you won't believe anymore. Look for someone with a bigger motive, my dear girl.. a motive that warrants death as gratification."

Anna believed him that moment, she believed he really had nothing to do with William's accident.

"Let's forget about William and talk about you and I lady Anna," Roland said before Anna could think of anything to say back to him.

"We have nothing to talk about," Anna said standing up immediately.

"How wrong you are my dear," Roland replied caressing her cheeks. "You're a beautiful woman Anna..."

"You have a wife sire Roland," Anna said cutting him short.

"Roselle won't mind, after all I haven't settled the score. She had a fling with William remember which you accuse me of being the reason of hurting the king but I assure you I wouldn't even dare hurt our king, or should I rather say your king," Roland said smiling widely.

"Don't touch me," Anna said immediately pushing his hand.

"I wonder what you have with William, I really do wonder."

"I'm done talking with you sire Roland, thank you for your time," Anna said walking out.

"My pleasure lady Anna, and anytime you need someone to talk about a new angle you've gotten; I'm always here for you. We can also two more than talking."

Anna heard him say before banging the door loudly, she was so furious right now.

Each time she thought she was heading somewhere it all just ended up with nothing.

She walked to the garden again sitting on the garden chair, the rain had stopped, the moon was full; shining brightly lighting up everywhere.

She heard the sound again, before making up her mind to check it out.

She had not walked far away from the garden chair when she saw the duo.

Thanks to the moon she saw their face clearly, Vivianne was lying naked on the ground in the arms of sire Nicholas both pleasuring themselves.

She turned around immediately not letting them see her.

She rushed into the castle unsure of what to file this for, was Nicholas their man.

Still deep in thoughts; she walked straight into William, who was heading to his office.

"Anna," he called, "can I talk to you, just a minute."

Anna did not bother stopping, after all she meant nothing to him. What did they have to talk about?

She walked on reaching her room and shutting the door without feeling any form of guilt for ignoring William.

She was moving on after all, getting the man who lingered in her mind out of her mind.