Chapter seventeen The Masked Man

She could bear the silence no more, she picked up her gloves walking out of the office, heading to her own room.

William turned around as he heard the door click. Never had he felt so unease.. so unsure of himself in all his life. He sat there contemplating if he should retire to his room for dinner or remain in the office and skip dinner.

Since the accident, he has never eaten at the royal table with other members of the royal family. His food was always sent to his room, where he could eat peacefully without having to engage in social conversation, as was customary in the royal household.


Anna observed how quiet the royal room hallway was. Everyone was sure to have gone to the royal dining room for dinner at this time.

She heard a male voice as she passed Vivianne's room. Anna assumed it was Nicholas, or perhaps another lover.

She stayed where she was, unwilling to move. The door clicked just as she was deciding whether or not to exit and mind her business.

Anna quickly moved to the room beside Vivianne's, opened the door and stepped in. She was ready for what to say if someone was in but as luck would have it, there was no one in.

She heard footsteps and quickly opened the door. They were out already their back facing her.

To Anna's amazement, it was not a male with Vivianne, but a woman with a scarf over her face. She could swear she heard a man's voice from Vivianne room or was he still inside.

She made sure they were out of sight before opening Vivianne's room. There was no one in the room, the bed was rumpled, and it was easy to see where two individuals had been lying.

"What are you doing there, Anna."

Anna flinched and turned around, closing the door. Placing a palm on her chest, she relaxed, realising it was only William.

"The queen.. I mean Vivianne sent for me," Anna lied.

William just nodded in replying wheeling away, 'even Anna had adjusted to calling her queen,' he thought.

Anna walked away going to her quarters, you had to pass through the royal rooms before getting to her own room.

It wasn't a bad room though, she loved the view actually. Her room was situated at the side of the castle that had a clear view of the Azurethra sea, even if it was far away from her the scene gave her peace whenever she had a lot on her mind.

'William had been so withdrawn to himself lately,' Anna thought. He was always having this pitiful look on.

She had not spoken to her father's doctor for quite awhile now, she minded her business anytime they went for the doctors appointment and sticked to staying indoors.

She really hoped no one was on to what was happening and she hoped William had not said any of this to Tonia, Tony's daughter.

Her thoughts went to Vivianne again as she got into her room and closed her door.

'What was she up to now?' Anna wondered. 'Who was the lady, and that voice? Had her hearing failed her,' she wondered.


Vivianne walked out with Richard sure that no one could see him in his disguise, "Will I see you soon," she said, their hands intertwined.

"Don't tell me you miss already," Richard answered wanting to be all sweet and romantic.

"You know I always do," the lady replied smiling mischievously.

Richard did not need any more reason to convince himself that Vivianne was getting it from someone, that look and  smile  proved he was right after all.

"Vivianne," Richard said out suddenly, "I don't share, what's mine is mine."

He left her standing there, staring at him with wide eyes.

'What did he mean by what he said,' Vivianne wondered.

She took things quietly during the following days, why did it feel like everyone knew what she was up to even when she did her possible best to keep it a secret.

Did Richard or even William have a spy watching her, watching her every move and reporting back to them.

'She ached for a man intensely,' Vivianne reflected, stroking her breast. She needed Nicholas, no one would see them in the garden where they had done it first that night. 'They would have just kept to the garden.'


Anna felt compelled to look around the grounds while William and the doctor were preoccupied with their routine.

Normally she did not disturb them but kept to the house, maybe it was because she had nothing else to look at anymore inside the house, she just felt the urge to walk around the house.

She hadn't gone far in her wandering when she heard the rustling of something.

She stopped moving instinctively listening and felt the hair on her nape stand.

Someone was out there she was sure, she would not react this way for nothing. She kept silent listening intently, the intruder had not moved a inch she was sure he was listening as she was.

While Anna was trying to make up her mind on what to do, a man leaped out from behind the shrubs running away from the house.

Anna took to her heels in pursuit of the intruder. If only she could get to him then she was sure she would know who was behind all this .. all she had to was catch him first.

The man was not a fool, he was a skilled runner. Anna recalled a short cut they took after a storm when the main route was blocked by a fallen tree.

She ran quickly, for she knew she was not in shape as she had not been active in field work for a long time now.

She was quite in luck for just as she was coming out from the bend he came panting looking backwards obviously searching for her.

With all her might she landed a punch on his face, the man was wearing a mask and she had to pull the mask to find out who he was. He was two times her size what was she saying two was an understatement.

The man staggered backwards, the punch did nothing on him. It had no effect on him.

He smirked ruefully at Anna, "do not let me hit a woman. It is against my rule."

"There always a first time for everything," Anna said breathing heavily. The race had left her feeling exhausted.