Chapter twenty one Holding on to You

William just stared at nothing in particular, attempting to control his anger at the woman. He tried to comprehend her... to see things from her perspective.

The wind was getting colder. Going indoors was the right thing to do.

"Sire this wind; it is not good for the chest, I suggest you go inside now. It is becoming colder each passing moment," Alfred  remarked behind William.

William turned around forcing a smile, he had not hear him come, "thank you Alfred for always looking out for me. How can I ever repay you."

"Get strong sire, walk again sire, fight for your legacy.. I do not want anything else than that from you, your highness," Alfred concluded bowing down.

"Your wife and son, it is almost time for their visit. You must start preparing for them," William said smiling widely. Alfred wife and son was now like family to him for the man himself was more that family to him.. he was his support system.