Chapter forty three Dressed for Deception

Anna walked swiftly, she was surprised to find the castle bustling with people. 'Was there some event happening?' she wondered.

She had no choice but to stop and ask a passing servant, who informed her that the royal social ball was happening that night. A week, she had said—at least one week—but she had been away for nearly two.

Her first destination was William's chambers, and she wasted no time heading there after briefly dropping her bag in her own chambers.

"Alfred," she called upon meeting him in the hallway. "Is William in his chambers? I need to see him immediately," she inquired hurriedly. She did not know why she felt bothered, it was as though something was wrong somewhere.

"Lady Anna," Alfred greeted her with a polite bow. "His Majesty left for the social ball not long ago."

"Tell me you are joking, Alfred."