second chess match and drama

Second match -

For second round of chess match to kick start we do a toss a coin for that will make first move in the game. I lose the toss and my opponent choose to play safe giving me first move to start or he taking me lightly I don't know but I made my mind I will destroy him because he is the same guy who mess up with me early in the morning, I Need to teach him lesson in my style. his name is Neel Mehra, as we take seat after toss he place his right leg on his left leg with straight back slightly tilting his head looking at me smirking. From his attitude and body language I can tell he is from prestigious family.


*"White" (Rahul)*

*"Black" (Neel)*

*Move 1:*

The Opening Skirmish

White (Rahul): I move pawn from e2 to e4.

Black (Neel): Neel responds by moving pawn from c7 to c5.

*Move 2:*

White (Rahul): I move knight from g1 to f3.

Black (Neel): Neel moves pawn from d7 to d6.

*Move 3:*

White (Rahul): I move pawn from d2 to d4.

Black (Neel): Neel captures pawn on d4 with pawn on c5.

*Move 4:*

White (Rahul): I move knight from f3 to d4.

Black (Neel): Neel moves knight from g8 to f6.

*Move 5:*

White (Rahul): I move knight from b1 to c3.

Black (Neel): Neel moves pawn from a7 to a6.

*Move 6:*

White (Rahul): I move bishop from f1 to g5.

Black (Neel): Neel moves pawn from e7 to e5.

*Move 7:*

White (Rahul): I move knight from d4 to b3.

Black (Neel): Neel moves bishop from c8 to e6.

*Move 8:*

White (Rahul): I move pawn from f2 to f4.

Black (Neel): Neel captures pawn on f4 with pawn on e5.

*Move 9:*

White (Rahul): I move pawn from e4 to e5.

Black (Neel): Neel moves queen from d8 to c7.

*Move 10:*

White (Rahul): I move queen from d1 to e2.

Black (Neel): Neel moves knight from b8 to d7.

*Move 11:*

White (Rahul): I castle queenside.

Black (Neel): Neel moves pawn from b7 to b5.

*Move 12:*

White (Rahul): I move king from c1 to b1.

Black (Neel): Neel responded with b5 challenging control over queenside.

My plan is control the center with pawns and pieces develop pieces rapidly, attack Black's position with pawn storms.

Also I noticed my opponent Neel's mistakes like, weak pawn structure, slow development, failure to counter-attack.

*Move 13:*

White (Rahul): I move pawn from f4 to f5!

Black (Neel): Neel moves bishop from e6 to c4.

*Move 14:*

White (Rahul): I move pawn from g2 to g4!

Black (Neel): Neel moves pawn from h7 to h5.

*Move 15:*

White (Rahul): I capture pawn on h5 with pawn on g4.

Black (Neel): Neel moves rook from f8 to h5.

*Move 16:*

White (Rahul): I move rook from f1 to g1!

Black (Neel): Neel moves pawn from g7 to g6.

*Move 17:*

White (Rahul): I move queen from e2 to g4!

Black (Neel): Neel moves queen from c7 to d7.

I lean back on my seat and look at chess board more closely. I smile in my mind because I can literally see Neel's position collapses and he fully fall for my trap.

So I can go for my next plan then I mumble to myself.

What an idiot I shouted getting up from my seat. My voice was filled in empty hall, everyone was looking at me.

I'm going to end this game in next 5 moves be ready you idiot I announced in front of everyone and seat down keeping my right leg on left, tilting my head slightly, smirking at Neel.

*Move 18:*

White (Rahul): I move knight from b3 to d5!

Black (Neel): Neel moves knight from f6 to xd5.

*Move 19:*

White (Rahul): I capture knight on d5 with pawn on e5.

Black (Neel): Neel moves bishop from c4 to xd5.

*Move 20:*

White (Rahul): I capture bishop on d5 with queen on g4.

Black (Neel): Neel moves queen from d7 to xd7.

*Move 21:*

White (Rahul): I move rook from d1 to d5+

Black (Neel): Neel moves king from g8 to c7.

*Move 22:* I move rook from d5 to d3!


*Move 23:* I move rook from d3 to d4# 1-0

*Game Stats:*

- Moves: 23

- Time: 2 hours 35 minutes

- Winner: Rahul (White)

- Loser: Neel (Black)

As the result announced I cried out loud

What a pathetic opponent! How could you enter the competition with that level of ability? Would you please not enter the competition in the future because it would lower the level of the competition?

Aren't you going too far because you win only one round against me? Neel said with furious face grinding his teeth in anger.

I'm much better than you who have no talent and no efforts.

I have talent! I'm much better than the rest of them here present in the hall Neel said

Are you serious? You say you have talent, but that's all you have? I laughed deliberately and continued with you must be mistaking this competition for a kindergarteners playground. Can anyone here want to go against me? Open challenge!

I looked around and every student was staying silent at their place because I have shown them what I'm capable of.

No one? So why don't you make me winner? I said

I will a voice come from the audience breaking the silence.