Authors thoughts

i watched the shows read some of the books watched as many of George R.R Martin interviews im no expert by any measure but ive read enough fan fics re imagining that fateful era in the game of thrones we all clearly love the story just the way it is to a point but almost every fic writer overlooks one crucial thing the Royal family is and should be above all and the moment the so called great council happened that died i mean for a family that is extremely incestuous known have had polygamous relationships all of a sudden they care about bastards not only that but they are so engraved in the country they took by force so much that their politics matter to them Maegor did whatever he wanted as was it his right and come on if anything a female ruler was never a big deal people dont like the character of Rhaenyera and Rhaenys the letter because people dont know enough about her missing the single point she was raised to rule unlike most females jesus she miles better then Viserys who was raised to be a prince he was living his life to be a rich second generation they call Rhaenys the queen that never was not the weak whore queen or the stupid woman it is never directly said or illuded to but they where scared of her she married correctly she had a large dragon she had a strong navy she came with more perks to the throne then anyone else Rhaenyera is he fathers daughter a rich second generation but since they put that line on the throne now they are bitching when a duck quacks nah its all theory but its there to see the line was messed up the moment the old king became indecisive and chose the biggest choker over a clutch player because the player wasnt well liked shit MJ wasnt liked he won though to conclude my little on a fictitious royal lineage i say enjoy my take on the story and have a great day 

p.s: im writing this on the shitter