Chapter 83: Family Traditions and Memories

As the years passed, Wen and Kai developed family traditions that became cherished parts of their lives. Annual trips to the mountains, Sunday dinners filled with laughter and stories, and quiet evenings spent reading together by the fireplace became rituals that brought them closer.

One weekend, as they prepared for their annual family trip to a scenic village near Hangzhou, Mei helped Wen pack their things, her voice filled with excitement. "I love our trips, Mama. It's like we leave all the city noise behind and just… be together."

Wen smiled, a warm feeling of nostalgia filling her. "That's exactly why we do it, Mei. It's important to take time away from everything and remember what truly matters."

Kai joined them, loading the bags into the car as they set off on the winding drive to the village. During the trip, they hiked through bamboo forests, cooked meals over a campfire, and shared stories beneath the stars. Each moment was a reminder of the life they had built—a life rich in love, family, and connection.

Mei's favorite part of the trip was their storytelling night, a tradition where each of them shared memories, dreams, and reflections from the past year. As they sat by the campfire, Mei spoke of her plans for the future, her voice filled with both uncertainty and hope.

"Mama, Baba, I want to make a difference, like you have," Mei said softly. "I don't know exactly how yet, but I want to find a path that lets me help people."

Wen and Kai exchanged a proud look, their hearts full as they listened to Mei's dreams. They knew that their legacy wasn't just in the work they did, but in the love they shared and the values they had passed down. Each memory, each tradition, was a piece of that legacy—a foundation that would guide Mei in her journey.