The protagonist is Ryo Takahara, a quiet, unassuming boy from a struggling background who finds himself in Class C. While he’s often underestimated, he possesses a keen intellect and an exceptional ability to observe people’s intentions and weaknesses. From day one, Ryo realizes that the Institute is more than just a school. Behind the scenes, it’s a ruthless game where students are pitted against each other in a system designed to bring out the worst and best in them.
Ryo quickly learns the unspoken rule: success means moving up in the ranks, while failure means losing privileges and potential power. Yet, Ryo isn’t interested in climbing the ranks for personal gain. Instead, he seeks to uncover the secrets of the Institute itself. He’s suspicious of its true purpose and the mysterious "Board of Mentors" who seem to run every aspect of the school but are never seen by students.