Chapter 49: There is Always a Bigger Fish

Bane slowed down when he was half way in the cave and stopped, eyeing the dragon. This was the first time that he had ever even seen a creature this size, let alone a dragon. Never really one for fantasy or games, Bane didn't really know much about these creatures besides them breathing fire and something about loving gold.

Looking around, Bane didn't see any gold, but he couldn't deny that the cave was getting hotter as he went in deeper. This could just be caused by the apartment sized creature at the end of the tunnel, but Ban wasn't going to rule anything out.

"Hey!" Bane whispered. "Are you there, Onyx?"


"Listen here, you ass-hat! You sealed all my shit away, and now everyone thinks that I am hot shit! How am I supposed to fight that flying barbecue?" Bane demanded in a harsh whisper.