Chapter 75: Body-Tempering Extravaganza

Bane headed back out to the edge of the village where Harmony was waiting for him. She seemed calm, but the moment that she noticed Bane, he felt , for a brief moment, that she wanted him dead. This was her killing intent, but Bane just ignored it, and her, walking over to pick up the mammoth rock. Without waiting, Bane threw in almost the same arc, dropping the stone with a loud thump where he had picked it up from.

Turning back, Bane nodded. "Rock is gone. Do you need me to make you a new house? You don't need much right, or does your little dimension thing have to be in a building of a certain size?"

Harmony frowned. "You are going to help me?"

"Do you have a plan otherwise? I would need you to stay in the inn for a day, but I can knock up a shed with a door tomorrow," Bane replied, and then looked back towards the village. "I would do it today, but I have to go see my soup pot about something."