Bane followed the female demon through the red veined forest, and she led him to the edge of the woods, but everything past it looked like a blasted landscape devoid of color or life.
"Is this the part where you say, 'if you want to live, turn back now'?" Bane asked sarcastically, and the demon woman nodded.
"The demon that we are going to fight is the tyrant of this region. Zibblefritts is a race of armed demons that enjoys tearing the flesh off its victims while they are still alive. A single pinch of flesh each time until the demon dies. Zibblefritts only plays with and eats them while they live, so when they die, he tosses them in a pile. All we have to do is follow the stench of rotting demon corpses, and we will find Zibblefritts's lair."
Bane frowned. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
The demon woman blinked. "Follow the stench of-"
"Before that."