Chapter 137: Cheap Gas Station Candy

Bane listened the entire time, and then women all stayed quiet. He was having a hard time believing this guy, but he also didn't not believe him, leaving Bane to try and process this new information.

"You are a pretty fucking weird demon, aren't you?" Bane finally asked, making Angar smirk.

"One of the weirdest, but that is what happens when you have existed for as long as I have!" He laughed, but Bane narrowed one eye, lifting the other eyebrow.

"And just how long have you existed?"

Angar shook his head and finger. "That is the wrong question for a demon. A better one is how many times have you died? Zero, to answer the question so you don't have to ask."

Bane took in a frustrated breath, shaking his head. "And what does that mean? I would prefer you get to the point already. These women have already made me wait long enough in this spot, and I am never going to make it to Onorousa within the month if I keep pissing around."