Chapter 36: First Quest For The Reluctant Hero

"Look what the fox dragged in!" Bilgarth laughed, but then nodded at Nina, who stood behind Bane. "Good to see you as well, Nina. Looks like things are starting to settle down with you all."

Nina smiled, but sighed as Lysia dragged Ming over to stand on the other side of Bane.

"Hey, old man. When are you going to marry us? You were supposed to do it ages ago!" Lysia complained, and Bilgarth burst out laughing.

"Whenever you are ready. Do you have a place or a dress picked out? Should we do it today?" Bilgarth asked with a grin that caused Lysia to put up her hands defensively.

"Geez, calm down, I need at least two or three days to get everything ready! Why are you being so pushy?" Lysia asked, and Nina leaned over to whisper in Bane's ear.