The Envoy Part II

When Jinsol regained consciousness, Kamiya and Sato were waiting by his side. "Finally awake, master," said Sato.

"Am I dreaming right now? Or am I dead?" asked Jinsol, slapping himself.

"You're very much alive," said Sato.

Jinsol suddenly stood up and hugged Sato. "Thank goodness, I guess time doesn't flow inside the seal," he said.

Sato didn't initially return the unexpected hug. Then he remembered growing up under his master's care and seeing him almost as a foster father. His perception of time was getting worse.

"I'm glad to see you well," said Jinsol, then coughed up blood.

Sato placed his hand on Jinsol's back and gently laid him back down on the bed. "You haven't fully recovered yet."