Antlered wolf

A few days have passed since the dark field dream incident, and Tsung Yue has been thinking about it since. She didn't tell Hairong the whole story, because she'd only try to prove her point that Tsung Yue would have her personal tiny embryo of herself, also that she didn't think the dream would mean anything. When you have a nightmare sometimes, do you think it'll affect you in the future? It was exactly that situation. During the few days, Tsung Yue practices her flying skills, doing the same 'exercises' Hairong had made for her. It was pleasantly surprising for Tsung Yue that the practice was showing results more than she had expected. So you have a brief understanding of Tsung Yue's flying abilities now.

Just as usual, Tsung Yue and Hairong are practicing their flight in an open space, in case Tsung Yue crashes into something. With enough focus, Tsung Yue can easily float herself up in the air as long as she pleases. What she can't do however, is fly from point A to point B. Hairong noticed this, and decided to slowly back away from her, then beckoned her to come closer, but while Tsung Yue was floating. Even though Tsung Yue understood what Hairong was trying to do, it was easier said than done. She floats and tries to approach Hairong but stops right when she starts to move. In other words, she looks like she's driving a car but keeps hitting the brake every time she presses the pedal.

After many, many tries, they decided to take a break. Under the scorching light of the sun shaded by the clouds, they lay down close to each other. While staring at the various clouds floating mindlessly under the command of the wind, Hairong listens to Tsung Yue's perspective of the way she lives. Ever since the first hunt she made with Hairong, small particles of her memory started to show, but not enough for her to remember her past self. All she can do is to pray and one day, she'll find who she is, who she was, and who she will be. After glancing at the blue sky covered with clouds for a moment, Tsung Yue looks at Hairong.

-"Don't you ever forget about things?"

Hairong glances at Tsung Yue lazily.

-"Well, I do forget here and there, but I remember when the time comes. I'm sure your right moment will come too. Just be patient. And until then, just keep on trying. It'll work out."

Tsung Yue didn't expect to hear that from Hairong at all. She thought Hairong would simply just answer her with a simple yes or no, but she told her truth and even gave her advice you could hear from anyone. But somehow, it felt special to her. Maybe because of the past days Tsung Yue spent with Hairong, or that Hairong's experience in living was much longer than hers. She was sure that, they could get along pretty well in the future, even if they didn't spend that much time together. Just the fact that Hairong was willing to guide a stranger like Tsung Yue made her feel special.

-"Well…thank you for that, Hairong."

-"Ah? What for? That was just a random advice that rolled off my tongue a bit too soon."

Hairong was right. She didn't think that just simple advice that was almost common sense would affect Tsung Yue so much. Maybe it was because Tsung Yue couldn't remember it, she thought.

-"I know. But, hearing it from you kind of shows the value. Maybe the person saying it determines its worth."

-"That's a nice thing to say."

Silence filled the atmosphere, but comfortingly so. They lay there for a while, and Tsung Yue falls asleep first. When Hairong looked at Tsung Yue after a few moments out of curiosity, she saw that the dragon had already closed her eyes into a quick nap. Seeing this, Hairong climbs up to Tsung Yue's stomach and lays there to also rest her eyes a bit.

Tsung Yue woke up after feeling something heavy on her stomach, and when she looked down to see what was placed on her abdomen, she saw a sleeping Hairong. Was she this heavy? Tsung Yue didn't know the answer to that question she asked herself, maybe Hairong felt heavy because she was lying on Tsung Yue's stomach, not her back.

-"I'm thirsty…"

Tsung Yue thought before swallowing heavily to ease her desert-like throat. But this little minx here is too heavy for Tsung Yue to move her without waking her up. Out of frustration, Tsung Yue slams her claws against the ground repeatedly, as if it's gravity's fault for making Hairong this heavy. Due to the nap, her throat feels dry, and because of that, she lets out a few dry coughs only a person with a horrible cold would do.

Hearing the cough, Hairong wakes up, her mind a little dizzy and her throat a little more hoarse than usual.

-"Mm? How long did I sleep?"

The white dragon let out a small huff after Hairong had said that. Mostly because the attempt at letting her anger out on the ground wasn't enough.

-"I don't know, sleeping beauty. Do you see my fur? It's completely white now."

-"Wasn't it always white?"

-"Sarcasm, my dear friend. Please get off me this instant, I have a thirst to quench."

It was pretty baffling for Hairong to see Tsung Yue let out such an outstanding vocabulary from thin air, but if you ask Tsung Yue where she learned this great lexical resource at the wrong time, who knows what she could muster up? Maybe you might get an "up your a**" or "during one's journey forthwith on a quest to acclaim fine words with all due diligence and resolve".

When Hairong landed on the ground from Tsung Yue's stomach, she let out an exasperated sigh and headed towards a nearby river. After reaching the edge of the flowing water, she starts to take small sips. While doing so, she sees a gray wolf from the back of her eyes. Even though Tsung Yue was much bigger than a wolf, she still felt intimidated, since y'know, human instincts. Raising her neck to look around the area, she sees nothing. Could there be something in the water? It couldn't be, the river is the purest it can be. When Tsung Yue lowers her neck again, she sees the *forest's gray* once more. She slowly glances at it, to check if she's not hallucinating. The wolf's yellow eyes pierce through Tsung Yue's, their eye contact eerily silent. What she realizes from the wolf is that it has long antlers that are much bigger than the dragon's. The only thing that was separating them was the coursing river that flowed quietly as if giving them a chance to converse. The staring continued, and when Tsung Yue was about to take a step forward, Hairong called out to her.

-"Tsung Yue! Are you done yet? Let's keep on practicing!"

Surprised by the shout, Tsung Yue flinches a bit, then looks in Hairong's direction.

-"I'll- I'll be there in a moment!"

When Tsung Yue looked back at the wolf, it already disappeared, making the dragon more confused. While she was comprehending what just happened, Hairong ran up to her.

-"What are you staring at? Are you okay?"

Hairong's tone was a bit concerned, it wasn't normal for Tsung Yue to randomly stare at nothing like this. Tsung Yue looks down at Hairong, her expression calm.

-"I just zoned out…Anyways, what were you saying again?"

-"We need to practice."

-"Alright, alright. Let's go."

Despite feeling worried for Tsung Yue, Hairong shrugged it off, thinking she was just sleepy. As the two walked away from the river, both of them couldn't help but wonder what happened. As for the wolf, it was still a forest mystery that perhaps wouldn't need anyone to unravel it. Some things are better left unknown, after all…


Word explanation

Forest's gray: another word of saying wolf, but in a more respectful way.