Ethereal Marauder

Dark clouds surround the sky, while the waves under them flow roughly against each other, becoming no longer the tranquil sunny day of the morning. Just then, the water becomes still, too still, leaving no evidence of the coarse tides of the past. Even the atmosphere falls quiet as if the wind is listening intently to the waves below to make a sound. Then, out of nowhere, a small drop of water falls, and its gentle ripple coats the waters with a perfect circle, the small but only movement disturbs the still sea.

At that time underwater, Tsung Yue and Hairong were wondering where that sound came from, but more importantly, what caused it. The old man, however, knew what was coming. His expression became serious, as he closed his eyes as if accepting the fate that would soon befall Tsung Yue.

-"It's here…"

Dumbfounded, Tsung Yue quickly looks over the old man, her expression holding a desperate look.

-"Wait, what's here?"

-"Your conviction."

Just when the old man said that the whole ocean started to shake as if they were experiencing earthquakes underwater. Following the earthquake, a large creature swims up from the depths of the sea, its purple scales a contrast from the dark blue hues of the ocean.

Seeing this, Tsung Yue quickly thought to herself while dodging to avoid the creature's opened jaw.

"Of course, it would be some kind of sea creature! Did I expect the old man to square up with me?"

Just as the creature suddenly popped up into Tsung Yue's vision, it disappeared right after. It was quite baffling for Tsung Yue to see such a massive thing just vanish from her sight.

While she was contemplating what to do next to avoid the upcoming attack, she couldn't see the creature was already opening its jaws behind her again, ready to swallow the dragon whole.

If you think Tsung Yue can beat this creature face on, you'd first need to understand the sheer size of this thing. Even if Tsung Yue was physically strong enough to pierce through the rock bull, she still wouldn't be able to land a mark on the exteriors of this gigantic creature. It was at least 10 times her size, so there was nothing Tsung Yue could do to protect herself from its enormous presence.

Just when Tsung Yue looked back behind, all she saw was darkness. Without warning, she was completely swallowed whole by this beast, leaving nothing behind. Seeing this, Hairong panicked inside, but she had a desperate hope that Tsung Yue would be able to beat this thing, even if it means for her to gut it from the inside. So that's why, she stayed put, but still her expression still holds on to slight fear.
