33. Fired up and doused down (Jude's POV)

Next, I just moved; my usual binoculars, with which I watched from a distance, had been replaced with a lighter as I acted instead of observing. Going around my locker row, I was behind Dumbass speedily as he sat on a bench with his back to me. Lightening the dry straw on his head, I could already imagine the wonderful scenery of it catching fire.

Going back to my locker, I played with the lighter and turned back to observing, fully aware that today everything would come to an end.

As I watched him burn, scream and cry in agony, I was fascinated. The adrenalin I so desperately wanted to bring me back to life finally set in, and I was pulled back into my body. The distance had been overcome as my detachedness decreased until it finally disappeared. 

Finally, my senses sharpened as if the dullness had been a lie, I felt the blood pumping through my body, breathed in the delicious smell in the air, and stood steadily on the ground.