57. Staying and Disappearing

Every time I think I can get a break from my stepson, he appears again, suddenly and unexpectedly.

Jude didn't answer the math teacher, and I had stared at him a bit too long, turning the atmosphere peculiar.

"He is here for me. My phone is dead; do you have paper?" 

Derek's glance jumped between us, and he gave me one of the math papers in his hands, telling me to use it. I turned the paper and took the pen beside me, noting down my number while feeling black eyes burrowing in my back.

Having finished, I waved goodbye and dragged Jude away again. This time, I let go of his wrist as soon as we had left the classroom, and like a big shadow, Jude followed me down, to the sports hall, where there was a little room, more like a little cell, for the teacher's stuff. Getting my bag, I was ready to go, but when I turned, Jude was behind me, and the door was closed.