In Jude's arms I heard my cat purring, calming me and making me drowsy, the heat of Jude's body seeping through my dress, while on my bare back his hands hadn't moved, giving me soothing warmth and security.
I was too tired to think about what to do, how to do it, and what not to do.
So, I let myself be lifted and brought to Jude's bed; I couldn't even muster up a bit of disgust for the teenage bed.
He cautiously placed me on his mattress, and when he got up, I drowsily looked at him. Ah yes, I had also drunken a little bit; maybe because of the alcohol I heard my Baby purring, lulling me into sleep.
Jude sat on the edge of the bed beside me, turned to me, and it was unfamiliar not to see the big panther resting on the floor with only his head propped on the mattress.