84. Revelations

The first round was over soon, and we went to eat in the hotel restaurant. Our class sat together on a long table; other groups scattered throughout the large room.

The food looked good and was better than anticipated, so I was satisfied. Amanda hadn't looked at me since the Q&A session, and Adam didn't dare to look into my eyes. The nerds talked about what math problem would come next, which turned only in an even static noise when it came to my ears, not understanding anything.

"You are not a math person?" Derek, who sat beside me as I munched on my food, leaned to me and asked quietly.

"There is a reason why I am no math teacher." I told him and saw him chuckle before concentrating back on my food.

"It isn't so difficult." He looked at me encouragingly, just like a teacher would look at a failing student.

"Yes. Everyone who is good at math says that." I nodded at him, not eager for the conversation to continue, when I got a phone call saving me.