86. Locked and Unlocked (Jude's POV)

Releasing a short sigh, I walked back to my room. After opening the door and stepping in, I locked it again from the inside—a must-do now that there was something forbidden and precious hiding.

The golden booklet was still on the floor, and I came closer, crouching in front of it before chuckling. Maybe I was meanwhile accustomed to having my plans impeded, unexpectedly again being hindered from going through what had to come, but I was relieved that it wouldn't happen today. Not when Lesly had sought shelter by coming to me, not when she was sleeping calmly on my bed.

I looked through the bloody treasure, her weapon against the monster, and saw that it was simply a fancifully packaged menu card. Noting the address, I put it back down. 

My eyes fell on the sleeping figure on the bed, only the light blond hair being seen from my lowered position.

Under the blanket was her body, her back, which held hidden mysteries as well as the disgusting reality.