108. Out in the Open (Jude's Pov)

Not meeting Lesly the next morning as well, I walked to the car, getting to school.

Arriving, I got more agitated, the more time passed, the closer we got to PE. When I changed into sports clothes, and waited with the other students, a sudden nervousness took hold of me.

But it was not Lesly who arrived, it was instead Rory, another other gym teacher. Confused, I waited until he finished reading the attendance and told us to run a round on the track. I walked to him, inquiring,

"Teacher, where is Teacher Lesly?"

He shot me a short glance, before turning back to his clipboard, marking something.

"She had called in sick." 

"Was she here yesterday?" Was she sick and alone at home with subordinates that didn't give a fuck, probably not even knowing in which room she was sleeping?

Rory, seemingly a bit too protective of my stepmother, narrowed his eyes at me.

"Student, go and run."