Extract Parts

"Okay, that's very easy to do," Evelyn said, her face glowing with a broad smile.

'Very easy to do?' Lionel arched a brow, his gaze fixed on her with quiet skepticism.

Evelyn added quickly, "Wait here. Let me sort out a few things, and I'll be back to take you."

"Okay," Lionel replied, watching her retreating figure. A sudden thought struck him, and he called out, "What about my clothes?"

Evelyn stopped mid-step and turned back, confusion evident in her expression. "What clothes?"

"The ones you took off when you saved me," Lionel said, his cheeks tinged with pink at the thought of her seeing him naked.

Evelyn tilted her head slightly, her brows furrowed. "I don't get you. You didn't have any clothes. You were naked when we found you," she said matter-of-factly, then hurried away without waiting for his response.