"Why did he left like that?" Keira mumbled. Her expression couldn't be described due to the wasted opportunity to properly introduce herself to Zach and thank him.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, she made sure that their seats were parallel to Zach's. But when she was about to approach Zach, a man who seemed to be in a rush, walked towards Zach and said something to him, then the two practically ran out of the restaurant.

"Maybe, there's an emergency?" Lana commented as she scanned the menu.

Keira sighed as she stared at the entrance, hoping that Zach would come back.

Then, she once more let out a long, deep sigh and asked, "Do you think he remembers me at all?"

May subconsciously spat out the water she had drunk and chuckled as she wiped her mouth with a tissue.

She looked at Keira still laughing and said, "Of course, he remembers you, my dear… Why wouldn't he? You gave him the most memorable experience in his lifetime at your first meeting! That indeed can't easily be forgotten! I'm sure your face is totally engraved in his mind, you know..."

Then, May stopped laughing but continued, "Sis, I'm really sorry, I can't help but continuously laugh whenever I think of that scenario… I mean, it's so epic… how you and that General met… It's just..."

Lana, seeing Keira's face flush because of embarrassment, pressed May's shoulder to stop the latter.

May exaggeratedly tucked her lips in quickly.

However, Drey interrupted and continued with the topic, "If I were in Keira's shoes, I would never have the courage to face him again, like what Keira did just a while ago! I mean, it would have been so embarrassing for me… Well, we all know Keira, nothing can stop her if she wants something..."

During their junior and senior high school days, Keira always did things her way, her own hilarious way, but surprisingly she always succeeded.

Keira pouted her lips, as her forehead crumpled. "It's our second meeting and it's also another awkward moment… waaaahhh!" Keira exclaimed as she pulled her hair in annoyance but quickly looked around and fixed them back.

Lana smiled in admiration. Keira was really a cute and funny lady, that was the reason many people adored her back at their school days.

"But to be fair to you, Keira, you truly have amazing eyes… That Zach is not only handsome and fit but is a true gentleman, so I definitely vote for him and I will support you. I'll help you get that handsome General with oozing sex appeal." Drey declared, full of anticipation.

Keira creased her forehead and glared at Drey with narrowed eyes, "Tsehhh!!! He thought you're my boyfriend!"

Drey laughed out hard and said, "What? It's not my fault that I am this good looking! If only I could, you know how much I'd love to grow this hair of mine long like yours… But, anyway, as I've already said to you over and over again, you need to be calculative and must not act too obvious. Now, that I've seen Zach, I have a feeling that you won't have an easy road ahead."

"What do you mean?" Lana asked with an arched eyebrow.

She couldn't believe what Drey just declared. Keira got it all: the looks, the brain, the wealth and most importantly a pure and sincere heart. Although she could be very mischievous and playful at times, but not to the point of doing things below the belt. Keira knew her boundaries and all of them could attest to that.

"Well, Zach is obviously not interested in her," Drey said simply.

"Ouch!" May reacted as she touched her heart briskly and looked at Keira teasingly.

Keira rolled her eyes at Drey and said, "Of course, I know that. Because he never even once asked my name or tried to prolong our meeting or have a simple conversation! And I really hate that, but it only makes me more interested in him. He is not like the other guys who easily fall in love or put their eyes on physical aspects."

Keira paused and sighed. "Nowadays, men like him are very rare. So, I have to do things perfectly, but it's just so hard for me to hide my emotions, and you guys know how transparent I could be. My heart is always going crazy like it wants to pop out from my body to jump and dance whenever he is around me. Just a while ago, I even wanted to kiss him right on the spot!!!"

The three dropped their jaws as they listened to Keira who kept on describing her feelings.

Lana shook her head and murmured to others, "She's crazy… So crazily head over heels for that General, and it's scary!"

"Well, I like it," Drey answered. He was so inspired by Keira's willpower. He liked how extraordinarily Keira acted and pursued her goals.

May's mouth twisted as she said, "Can we order now. Geez, let's continue talking after our stomachs are full… I'm losing energy here, so my brain is not working properly, and I can't comment anymore!"

Keira heard it and laughed, "Alright, May, we'll eat now you glutton…"


"I'm sorry, man. You actually don't have to come..." Torin said.

"It's okay, let's check on Auntie first," Zach replied, as they walked out of the elevator and rushed to Cielo's condo unit, which was just next to Torin's.

"Oh, you're fast," Cielo said as soon as she saw Torin. Then, she gestured the two to go inside.

"I was behind her. She was almost near your door when she suddenly collapsed. She felt dizzy because her blood pressure went up. But she's fine now." Cielo explained as they walked towards Torin's mom who was laying on the sofa with closed eyes.

"She has brought a lot of stuff for you," Cielo added and pointed at her dining table.

"Geez, I've told her to call me first if she wants to visit," Torin murmured.

Cielo smiled, patted his shoulder and said, "Let her rest first and let's check what she has prepared for you. I'm sure she went out in a rush while your father was not around."

Torin did not comment but picked up his mom and transferred her to one of the spare rooms of Cielo's condo.

He had some issues going on with his father. He was disowned by his father, but his mother kept on sneaking out of their home to check on him from time to time.

Zach walked to Cielo's dining area and asked, "When did you arrive?"

Cielo grinned and said, "Just now. Luckily I saw Auntie… I think she did not take her medicine before leaving in a rush."

Cielo was also a soldier at the same rank with Torin, a Lieutenant under General Jeru's command. She was good-looking, but a scary person on top of that, so everyone was even afraid to hit on her.

Torin often said that she was not a woman but a man. He often teased Cielo, saying that she was someone who preferred to have a woman, instead of being with a man.

"Wow, Auntie's cooking is the best!" Cielo exclaimed with excitement, as Zach opened the food containers.

Torin joined them as they decided to dig in the food that his mom had prepared.

Zach was enjoying the food when he suddenly remembered the Field Marshal's daughter, whom he met in a very awkward way, that day once more.

Then, out of the blue, Zach suddenly chuckled, which made Cielo and Torin look at each other dumbfounded.

"What's going on?" Torin asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. I just remembered something funny," Zach said simply as he grinned.

"The heck… It's the first time I've ever seen you grin like that. Torin, what was going on while I was away? Did he get himself a girl this time? Because only that can explain the out of the blue weird expression on his face." Cielo asked Torin, her forehead creased.

"Bro, you've got a woman?" Torin asked Zach.

"You two stop it and eat… It's nothing, just something funny that has happened before." Zach hissed, as he returned to his serious face.

The two no longer insisted because they knew Zach well. They would just waste their efforts for nothing.

"By the way, Cielo… Zach is not helping me out. Maybe you can convince Jeru instead. I've heard he will also be in charge of choosing newcomers for our base. Please tell him to let, at least, one gorgeous woman to pass!" Torin pleaded, changing the topic.

"What, Torin? Are you that desperate now?!" Cielo burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Well, you're the only passable woman to my taste so far, but too bad you're a tomboy…" Torin said with a teasing tone.

Cielo arched an eyebrow and with her seductive eyes glared at Torin, "Well, if all the men are like you, I would rather die as an old maid. Geez, you hit on almost all the girls inside the base, including me. What an asshole."

"I told him that I will make sure to choose masculine women, someone who can knock him down," Zach interrupted as he joined the two.

"Yeah, I will also convince Gen. Jeru to do the same…" Cielo seconded.

"You two, don't eat this. You're not allowed to get food from what my mother has prepared for me. Stop eating!!!" Torin exclaimed as he closed all the boxes, preventing Zach and Cielo from getting more.

"You're conspiring together and maltreating your good friend. I will not give you any more of my food." Torin continued, acting like a child throwing a tantrum, which made Cielo laugh again.

"Good friend or you mean playboy friend? Alright, playboy… how about I tell you a secret that I've heard inside the base…?" Cielo asked with a grin.

"Is it an interesting secret that involves beauties, because if not… You need to spill-out all the food you just ate," Torin answered with annoyance.

"I've accidentally heard Jeru and Janus talking. I'm not sure if I've heard right, but it seems like Jeru is planning to get Field Marshal's daughter to be his girlfriend…" Cielo said as she gently pulled one of the food containers and tried to open it, but Torin quickly stopped her.

"Hephep… Stop… what nonsense is that? Do you think that's interesting enough?" Torin said with a twisted face…

"Haha… impatient playboy. Let me finish first… So, what I've heard next is the real shocking part… The Field Marshal's daughter is…" Cielo hung on her words and looked intently at Torin.

"You do know that his daughter is considered a Goddess when it comes to beauty, right?" Cielo asked and Torin nodded as his impatience grew more.

"Okay, then let me and Zach get some food first. I'm starving and I need some energy to recall what I've heard." Cielo said with a wicked grin. Torin scratched his head because he felt a little overpowered by Cielo but he was eager to know it.

He let go off the food container. With a crumpled face, he watched the two dig in the food like they've been starved for a few days...


"She's so clumsy. Cielo must have heard wrong. That's impossible..." Zach murmured as he entered the Military Base. His forehead creased as he kept on thinking about what Cielo had told them yesterday.

Till that moment, he still couldn't digest the news that Cielo had told them, about Field Marshal's daughter taking part in the admission tests the next day. She looked fragile and being in a military base did not suit her at all.

Their tests were usually compiled of written exams and a physical test as well. If his guess was right, then Field Marshal Chan's daughter wouldn't pass the physical tests for sure, would she?

'Stop judging, Zach. You don't know that girl well enough to say that. Maybe, she is capable, and you don't have any idea about it at all...' once again he scolded himself for being pessimistic about that person.

'Did Field Marshal Chan really allow his only daughter to join the military?' He mused again.

'Why would I even care if it's true or not?' He then scolded himself for thinking too much about something that he was not even involved with.


Keira was so excited about the test on the next day that she even spent her day on doing more exercises, to make sure her body would be fit enough and would be used to the hard physical test they might give.

"Darling, take a rest for goodness sake!" Mrs. Chan exclaimed when she saw Keira in their work-out room.

Keira stopped and laid her body on the floor. Sweat was all over her face and body. She smiled, looking at the ceiling and said, "Mom… I feel like I'm the Wonderwoman, Mom. Tomorrow, I will show them all that Keira Chan is a fighter."

"Yeah, yeah… But now, for goodness sake, get up and change your sweaty clothes, the floor is cold!" Scolded Mrs. Chan. Keira got up immediately and hugged her mother.

"Mom, I actually enjoy what I'm doing right now. I've actually watched a lot of military documentary series. I'm at awe with the intense world of military elite forces training and from watching them fight for the country. It's really an admirable job. Now, I think I can understand the passion that Dad has for his job."

Mrs. Chan sighed…

"Yes, of course, it is… However, it best fits for men. You are my only Princess, and I really hope that you will stay there only for a year training, or if it's possible, 3 to 6 months of training time. I think that will be enough for you to determine if that Zach has mutual feelings towards you or not." Said Mrs. Chan.

Then, she gently pushed Keira away and smiled, "To be honest, I think one month will be more than enough to see if your plan is successful or not."

Keira burst into a fit of laughter and said, "We don't even know if I get admitted, Mom. But I'm happy because you have already assumed that I'll be admitted to the military base…"

"Well, I've observed your great improvement, so I believe you will make it. Besides, you are Keira Chan." Her mom proudly said.


*At Liu Mansion*

"Why is it taking so long? Until now, there's still no progress? Don't contact me if there's still no good news on what I have tasked you to do! It has already been several years, why can't you finish a simple task!!!" Senior Liu hissed from the other end of the line.

Till now, he couldn't find any information about that person's whereabouts. He wanted to find that person to pay back for all the wrongdoings he had committed towards that person before.

'Are you intentionally hiding from me? Or is it God's will that we never meet again?' He mused helplessly.

It had already been several years, but he would never stop looking until his last breath.

Jeru entered the room and noticed his father's gloomy and frustrated expression.

"Is everything fine?" He asked after his dad ended the call.

"Yes, it's nothing, Son… It's just about work." Senior Liu answered simply and gestured his son to sit and have tea with him.

Jeru grew up well, and so far, Jeru never did anything to disappoint him. He could tell that Jeru had been working hard to please him and because of that, he was thinking about entrusting him their whole business.

However, he had noticed one thing about Jeru, which made him have a second thought about entrusting his wealth to Jeru.

Then, he sighed and asked, "You're back at the base, so how is it? You're a General now… I'm worried if you can still manage our company, Son. I'm not getting younger, you know... So, I still think it would be best to divide the shares equally with our family members, who are capable enough on their jobs…"

"NO! I've already told you, Dad, I can manage everything. So please trust me on this…" Jeru exclaimed. He hated it whenever his father felt hesitant to entrust their family business to him.

Senior Liu let out a long, deep sigh and said, "Alright… Let me think about it more, besides, your dad is still healthy as a bull. So, don't think about the company for now and enjoy your rank as one of the youngest Generals in our country. By the way, your grandmother has called and asked about you. It's been long since the last time you paid her a visit, and now that you're back, do spare some time for her."

Jeru nodded, then there was an uneasy expression on his face. As if he wanted to say something but hesitated, so Senior Liu asked, "What is it? I know that expression of yours. You want to say something so spill it out."

Jeru smiled, then he looked directly at his father and asked, "You and Grandma are going to set an arranged marriage for me, right?"

"Yes, that's right," answered Senior Liu.

Grandma Liu was in the process of arranging and choosing the family that was best suited for Jeru and that was the reason Jeru was asked to pay her a visit in their ancestral mansion

Regarding the talks about an arranged marriage, Senior Liu had never interfered. He had no voice against his mother whatsoever, even regarding his own arranged marriage before, that almost destroyed his life.

Senior Liu sighed, as memories started to flashback… His mother was the female version of Hitler…

Then, his thoughts were interrupted as Jeru spoke, "I have chosen a family that, I'm sure, Grandmother will like too. You know that family well too."

Senior Liu's forehead creased and he asked, "Whose household is it?"

Jeru smiled widely and said, "It's Field Marshal Chan's daughter, Keira Chan…"