Chapter 31

XXXI. Coaxing.

. . . . .

Ever since that kissing incident, Dakari grew much bolder. He was the one who nursed me back to health by feeding me and assisting me as my fever slowly subsided. I didn't find his presence intolerable anymore, but my dislike for him still lingered, along with my desire to escape from his grasp.

It had been five days since the last time I saw Lucius Maeve as well. 'I wonder what happened to him. . .' It can't be that he just left after all the talk we had right?

What if he was actually a traitor?

Honestly? I don't give a shit anymore.

. . . . .

Knock knock.

"Come in." I said.

"Ms. Viviana?. . ."

A familiar person peeked through the door cautiously.

"Hmm?. . . Gabriel?" I muttered to myself. It has been days since I last saw this coward twerp. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral despite the surprise of his unexpected appearance.

"I'm just uhh. . . Here to bring you your lunch." He pushed the door open, revealing a tray in his hands.

"Oh? So you're back on becoming the food bringer then?"

He reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, well, someone has to make sure you're eating properly. I figured I might as well step up."

"Well. . . Thanks I guess?"

Seeing him now after I continued on threatening him before is rather. . . Awkward?

The poor guy had been nothing but nice to me and I relentlessly made him suffer by flipping the food trays over like a child throwing a tantrum.

I had my reasons of course.

And I won't apologize at all, my reason was valid. Who wouldn't flip out when you discovered you got kidnapped and confined in an unknown place in the middle of who knows where?

"So, um. . . how have you been feeling, Ms. Viviana? W-well—. . . If you don't mind me asking, of course." He asked, trying to break the silence.

I shrugged, taking a bite of the sandwich he had brought. "Better, I think. The fever's gone."

"Good! That's really good," he replied, visibly relaxing a bit. "I was worried about you, Ms. Viviana. When I heard about your escape attempt from the villa. . . We honestly thought you'd make it. . . However, you returned bloodied in boss's arms."

His words struck a chord, and I felt a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Yeah, well, things didn't exactly go as planned." I muttered, recalling the chaotic events that had led to my capture.

The exhaustion from all the running got the best of me. That's why I wasn't able to leave. Plus the fact Dakari had someone to track me down. I know for a fact that I ran so fast that the person tailing behind me had to struggle to keep up.

I still wonder which part of Italy I am located right now.

"I'm just glad that you're alright Ms. Viviana. . . I have to go now though, boss assigned me for a mission. Goodbye Ms!"

At that, he rushed out, closing the door behind him.

"Maybe I should try to be nicer to him next time. . ." I muttered to no one but myself.

I pushed myself up from the bed, the soft sheets slipping away as I rose.

Heading towards the dresser where a hairbrush was located, I began to comb through my long, straight black hair, each stroke of the brush gliding smoothly as I worked to untangle the knots that had formed.

As I continued to brush, I turned my gaze toward the mirror.

Somehow. . . My lips still looked sore, slightly swollen and tender to the touch even after five days has passed since he almost devoured me.

It can't be that I'm sensitive right? My lips are not bruised just. . . sore.

I can feel myself heating up once again. With an exasperated sigh, I muttered, "Dakari is a devil, a bastard, a jerk, a devil spawn, a pervert! And he's a—. . ." Just. . . Insert a not-so-friendly profanities over here hehe.

After five minutes of brushing my hair, feeling somewhat calmer but still agitated, I lowered the brush back onto the dresser with a decisive thud.

Knock knock.

"Come in."

The door creaked open slightly, and another person peeked through the ajar door. "Ms. Viviana, it's time for your meds." They announced, their tone professional yet tinged with concern.

"Mira, come closer. I need help with something." I said, gesturing for her to step inside.

She hesitated for a moment before entering, her brow furrowing slightly as she approached. "What do you need?" she asked, her eyes scanning my face for any signs of distress. "Is your fever back, Ms. Viviana?"

"No. I just need to ask you something and I'm sure you'll help me find the answers I seek, won't you?" My voice was low and menacing. It was not intentional, of course.

Mira only nodded, her expression shifting to one of cautious attentiveness as she adjusted her glasses, the frames slipping slightly down her nose.

"What happened to Lucius?"

"Oh?" She blinked, as if she was not expecting such a question. "He was sent back to Russia, Ms. Viviana."

I felt a pang of concern at the news. "Sent back? Just like that?" Then how is he supposed to help me escape then?


I knew it, it was all just talk.

"Yes," Mira continued, her gaze steady but cautious. "It was deemed necessary for security reasons. There were. . . complications surrounding his stay here that made it untenable."

Tsk tsk.

Is that so?

It seems like Lucius was genuine with his offer to help me. Given by the fact he was sent back to Russia by a certain someone. Dakari won't bother doing something so unnecessary if they were both in kahoots.

Besides, it seems like we were bound to meet either way. Dakari will bring me to Russia.

And who knows?

Maybe I'll be able to meet his sister during the wedding ceremony.

Dakari is obsessed with me. But I think he only see me as a possession. And I fucking hate being treated like an object. So yes, I will escape.

I also have other purpose, I want to take over the Italian Mafia. I will take over my father and I will make it into a better place. Of course, I will also have to investigate the other connections we have on other families. Check if there's any suspicious activities that lead for the Dimitri's to suspect us.

Like seriously?— A double agent? That's a wild accusation.

It's not like it's extremely rare between mafias. It's actually quite common. A faction will side on whoever is strong enough.

"Ms. Viviana, are you with me? You've gone silent for a moment. Are you still ill?" Mira asked worriedly as she stepped closer to me.

I waved my hands dismissively. "No, no. I'm just in deep thought," I said, forcing an awkward smile. "Come to think of it. . . don't you guys have any books I can read? I've been so bored."

Well, what I said is true anyways. I feel like rotting inside the room. I wasn't even allowed to leave the premises.

Now, isn't that just fun?

Mira's expression shifted slightly, and she adjusted her glasses again. "I only have books related to medicines with me. . . Oh! And, Ms. Viviana, you'll be traveling to Russia by tomorrow. I won't be with you until then, so I hope you'll take care of yourself."

I see. . . The damned bastard is in a hurry, huh?

It struck me how eager he seemed, as if the thought of marrying me was the only thing that mattered.

He just can't wait to tie the knot.

Should I be happy that I'm actually getting married despite being like this?

When I was still back in Singapore I was literally labeled as a shitty person. A bully and a menace to society.

But that's during my teenage years, y'know? Surely that doesn't count.


Or. . . Should I be disappointed that the person I'm going to marry is my enemy?

He had done a lot of shitty things to me to forgive him that easily for everything he did.

I will still have my revenge.

I won't stray.

"Ms. Viviana~" Mira's voice pulled me out of my thoughts once again. "You really should stop overthinking a lot of things. You're lost in your own thoughts once again and I'm worried that you might fall ill once again."

I only looked at her, observing how her brows furrowed slightly as she enunciated each word, concern etched across her face.

Thinking about it, I never expected that I'll be able to feel at ease with someone. The only person I don't treat like shit in this villa is Mira. 'Is it because she's a woman?' I thought. That could be the reason.

Or. . . I'm just gaslighting myself into thinking that so I'll be able to pull up an act that won't raise suspicion that I'm already manipulating them.

Scheming behind their backs.

I guess the bastard was not wrong when he said it was in our blood.

"Ms. Viviana. . .There you go again," she continued gently, her voice softening. "Don't you know that your hazel eyes always look distant when you're deep in thought?"


I guess that can't be helped.

"Do you want me to braid your hair? I'm sure you're feeling hot all over." She asked as she stepped closer, her concern evident in her tone.

I considered her offer for a moment.

The heat was bearable but the idea of having my hair neatly braided sounded appealing.

So I reluctantly nodded.

Mira's face brightened at my response, and she moved behind me with a practiced ease. I felt her fingers gently parting my hair.

As she began to work, I could hear the soft sound of her breathing, steady and calming.

I never had anyone braid my hair before. Even the maids I brought with me to Singapore was prohibited from touching my hair. I made sure that the only person who will be able to touch it was my mother. But now that she's gone. . . I guess I just don't care anymore. Although, I still kept the rule intact.

Only now did I allow someone the liberty to do my hair.

I also get annoyed everytime Dakari touches it, even if it was just a strand or a couple locks. Tsk. Tsk. It's like those cringe moments on some teen fiction romance books where the leading roles act in a very repulsive manner then excuse it as an act of love.

Am I just bitter? Probably.

"Ms. Viviana, your hair is very healthy. When was the last time you had it cut?" Mira asked, breaking through my thoughts.

I paused, considering her question. "It's been a while. . . too long, I suppose." The truth was, it felt like ages since I had done anything for myself, let alone something as simple as a haircut.

I took care of my hair, of course, making sure it wasn't dry or damaged. I had always been meticulous about it, using the best products and following a strict routine.

"Healthy hair is a sign of good care," Mira remarked, her fingers deftly weaving my strands into a neat braid. "You must have a good routine."

I nodded, appreciating her compliment. "I do my best. It's one of the few luxuries I allow myself."

Which was true.

My "friends" in Singapore back then has this weird obsession with making their hair shine of some sort.

At one point, a friend cried when someone had deliberately cut a chunk of her hair. She took care of it greatly only to have someone cut it off for entertainment of others.

Wanna guess what happened to the fool?

That friend of mine beat him to a pulp. He was unconscious for three weeks and spent the rest of the month on a hospital bed.

Then my friend was later expelled from the school. That was also the first and the last time I saw her so angry.

I guess you really just. . . shouldn't do something like that to anyone else. Be it beating up a bully or cutting someone's hair without their permission. . . yeah. . . Those don't end well on either parties.

Who cares anyways? It happened when I was around seventeen years old.

Years had already passed since that incident.

Hmm. . . My hair has already passed my waist.

"Do you think I should cut it?" I asked suddenly, the thought crossing my mind. "Maybe a fresh start would be nice."

Mira paused in her braiding, considering my question. "It's really up to you, Ms. Viviana."

Honestly, maybe I shouldn't. It would be such a waste. I should just trim the edges and maintain this length.

"Thanks." Was the only thing I could mutter.

Mira only nodded.

The fact that I didn't have my belongings with me felt strange. The clothes I was wearing now were always provided by Dakari. They actually fit me well. 'Did someone measure me?' Wait. . . "Mira, whose clothes am I wearing?" I asked, a hint of unease creeping into my voice.

Mira paused, her fingers stilling for a moment before she replied. "They're from Mr. Dimitri. He had them tailored for you. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable."

"Comfortable?" I echoed, trying to mask my discomfort with a light tone. "I suppose they do fit well."

Mira nodded, her expression sympathetic. "He cares about your well-being, even if his methods are. . . unconventional."

I scoffed.

The fact that Dakari had taken it upon himself to ensure my comfort felt more controlling than caring. I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just another way for him to exert power over me.

He tends to exert influence over others through seemingly caring gestures, like tailoring clothes for someone, which can be perceived as a way to establish dominance under the guise of concern.

Moreover, his tendency to manipulate situations and people for his own ends- yeah, he had always been a douche.

"What a way to show concern. Dakari is such an ass, y'know?" I mused, the name rolling off my tongue with a mix of disdain and hate.

"He means well, Ms. Viviana," she said gently. "But I understand your feelings. It's a lot to process."

On one hand, I appreciated the gesture. On the other, it felt like another layer of manipulation in a game I hadn't chosen to play.


I have no escape here, I'll just try my luck in Russia.

"Thanks for braiding my hair." I said finally, shifting the conversation away from Dakari and his shitty ways. "It's nice to have someone care."

Mira smiled softly, her fingers deftly finishing the braid. "I'm glad you feel that way, Ms. Viviana. Everyone deserves a little kindness."

Hmm. . .

"Y'know. . . Why don't you come with us in Russia, hmm?"

"Oh, no no. I cannot do that Ms. Viviana, I'm assigned specifically in this villa alone. I can't go anywhere else." Mira replied, her tone apologetic yet firm.

It made sense, she had responsibilities here that couldn't be ignored. "I understand." I said, trying to mask my disappointment.

Mira smiled gently, sensing my feelings. "But I'll be here in spirit. Just remember the things we talked about when you're there. You have the strength to navigate whatever comes your way."

After a minute or two, she finally finished braiding my hair.

"I'll always be here, Ms. Viviana."

Sure. . .

It's not like she can leave here anyway.