It's time to learn magic!!!

"A magic stone to guide your mana, and a magic symbol to execute your magic. The magic symbol is very important, and you cannot use your magic without it. Unless you are a pure one..."

'Hmm... like Arina.'

"First of all, I'll explain about the magic stone..."

She pointed the wand she had been using to point at the content on the board towards us. Suddenly, Resita's desk, where she was sleeping, became filled with cloves. The cloves rushed from the desk towards Resita's head and hit her. This caused Resita to jump up in fear from her sleep, scream, and tear the cloves off her head. The laughter of all the kids in the class erupted. 

'They were asleep until now. They woke up to make fun of Resita.'

But honestly, I was so shocked and didn't belive what happened at first glance. In the previous world I was in, such a ridiculous, fictional thing was impossible to see. Only in movies, which were so artificial that I wouldn't be surprised, and I wouldn't even look at them.

she took the chalk and began writing on the board.

"We have three types of magical spells. The first type is power spells. We store mana inside them, and they become like a bomb. Since a bomb requires a trigger, these types of spells also need an action to activate them. For this purpose, we use a magic stone and signal our spell with our mana. These spells are usually used for traps, like what I did, or for strange tasks like..."

she sighed and continued, "Moving and flying a several hundred-kilogram carriage is one of their uses."

Laughter erupted again. I looked with greed

"Now it's my brother's turn to mock him? Sure, his show-off behavior annoys me too, but I don't want a jerk like you to insult him."

The teacher continued writing on the board. 

"The next type I want to mention is tool spells. These spells are usually inscribed on a person's weapon or the tool they work with. This type of spell requires physical contact. That means you can't control it from a distance. So, you also need to place the magic stone inside that tool; otherwise, your mana won't transfer to the spell. This type of spell is usually used by knights and people who do physical tasks like blacksmithing..."

"Where are you going after class?" Nuka whispered in my ear. 

"I don't know, maybe to the bell tower..." 

"Inner spells are often inscribed on body parts. This type of spell does not require a magic stone. It can be used both from a distance and up close..." 

"Why are you so focused on the lesson? Don't tell me you don't know these simple things?" 

"No, I don't..." 

"Are you kidding?" 

"Mr. Nuka?" 

Nuka straightened up in his seat. 

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

Whispers rose from Resita's side. It was clear they were talking about Nuka. fat Dora hit the table next to her three times with the end of her stick. 

"Everyone, be quiet!" 

The class fell into silence. The teacher cleared her throat. 

"As I said, this type of spell is the strongest and at the same time the hardest spell to cast. This spell is used for healing tasks, controlling things from afar, and even converting mana into one of the elements. However, this is only possible if you are aligned with one of the four elements. Achieving this is not something just anyone can do; it requires a lot of effort from the individual, as well as strong sponser and great talent. So here we have a painful truth: your fate is whether you become a capable wizard or an elite—or perhaps someone who doesn't need spells or magic stones at all. A pure one..."I put my hand under my chin and tilted my lips. The sly gaze of Nuka was on me, and despite my low IQ, I knew the reason behind it. 

"I don't care if they consider Arina just a lucky brat. Because deep down, I know that Arina doesn't merely rely on her God-given traits." 

"Well, after this..." 

"Ms, I have a question." 

Everyone's gaze turned towards Nuka. 

"Go ahead, Mr. Nuka." 

"As you pointed out, evil is the source of all bads and wrongdoing. So if someone sponser's is evil, wouldn't this make them evil aswell? How are they accepted in society?" 

His words sparked a noise of murmurs. 

"What a brash question to ask!" 

"But he's right. How do we know that the evil beings, with their control over their followers, don't want to destroy our world? Because that's their job!" 

"My dad sponser is a evil. But he's not evil. So stop talking nonsense!" 

"You're defending him just because he's your dad..." 

"What did you say?" 

"I like this guy," Diana let out a loud chuckle and said. 

I covered my face with my hand and sighed. 

'I hope I don't get involved in these matters like last time.' 

"You asked an interesting question, dear Nuka! Yes, that's right. There are many possibilities and speculations regarding the relationship between beings and their sponsers, especially concerning evil. But let me give you an example. The last serial killer caught by government agents had a sponser who is among the greatest gods; the god of water and rain. A god who desires nothing but goodwill for humanity. And alongside him, we have the current king. A great and generous man but with an evil sponser..." 

Everyone was staring at the teacher in silence and curiosity, as if they had finally come across an interesting topic. 

"The existence of good or evil as a sponser in our lives may have an effect on our moral trajectory. But in the end, it is we who decide whether to follow them or not. And if any evil intentions are considered, it is the government's duty to punish you. So we never judge people based on their sponser. But..." 

She narrowed her eyes and scanned all of us with her gaze. 

"As you know, our world is formed by a combination of the magic of good and evil. And between these two, there is an equal and reciprocal relationship. This means that for every being we have with a good sponser, we have a corresponding being with an evil sponser. This is a competition that must never come to an end. Because when it ends, our world will also meet its end." 

Her gaze had turned strange and frightening, as if she had become possessed. 

"The world is a balance of good and evil. And no one still knows how this balance was formed or who created it. But one thing is certain. This balance is the law of our existence. And if someone tries to break this law, it wouldn't have a goid consequence upon them..." 


"There are people who have a particular interest in power. There are those who seek excitement. There are those whose no one knows their goals. What I want to say might be about one of these cases or a few rare others. A being that seeks more than one sponser..."