Chapter 34: A Second Chance

Dawn broke across the city, throwing deep shadows over the industrial sector where Aidan's crew was getting ready for the mission. The air was fraught with doubt and expectation. Aidan watched the map laid out on the hood from the open rear doors of their SUV. Emily's given coordinates were red, a remote location on the outskirts of the city buried in the hills covered in woodland. Should her material be true, Victor's last stronghold—where he had stashed his most prized possessions—was here.

Dominic watched Aidan intently as he checked his gun. "You honestly do believe this is it? That she is being honest?"

Aidan wore a mask of will on his face. "We have few choices, albeit I'm not sure exactly. For too long Victor has been one step ahead of us. If this is real, it might make everything right.

Claire changed her equipment, her face inscrutable. "And if it is another trap?

Aidan looked at her, the weight of the choice hovering between them. "Then we handle it. But this time we are going prepared."

He looked at the encrypted tablet Emily had emailed him early that morning. It included thorough schematics of the building, a security system layout, and information on Victor's most reliable guards. Though Aidan couldn't get rid of the impression that all she had offered looked too good to be true. His stomach turned over with uncertainty; was Emily making atonement now, or was she preparing him for the final betrayal?

He put the idea behind aside. Not now would doubt benefit him. He had to concentrate to lead his squad precisely and clearly.

" Alright," he replied, inhaling deeply. We broke out into two squads. Dominic, you set up the charges by walking Claire toward the east door. Leading the main attack across the west door is me. We hit hard and fast; there is no room for doubt. Once within, we wipe Victor's assets and guard the info.

Dominic agreed. "We'll be ready."

Aidan looked at Claire flitting about. "We abort if anything feels strange. Clearly understood?

Claire nodded curtsingly. " Got it."

They loaded into the SUV knowing the schedule was in place. The engine came alive, and they shot off, the city streets giving way to meandering highways and deep woodlands. Though Aidan's head stayed set on the mission, the vehicle was clearly tense. For now at least, he had to believe the intelligence. This was their opportunity to attack Victor from his center.

As they peaked a hill, the facilities became clear. Tucked in the thick undergrowth, it was hardly noticeable—a sequence of modest structures with razor-wired fences. Pulling the SUV from the road, Aidan parked it behind a group of trees. They would walk the rest of the distance.

Claire and Dominic took a final look at their weapons. Aidan paused to inhale, straightening himself. Though he shoved it down, the doubt stayed. Second-guessing did not fit in here. Not presently.

He muttered, "Stay sharp," as they walked among the trees. "Men from Victor will be all around."

The crew broke up around the hill's base. Aidan watched as Dominic and Claire vanished into the darkness, moving softly toward the east side of the compound. He changed his hold on his weapon and then headed toward the west door, staying near the tree cover.

As Emily had explained, the security measures of the complex consisted in patrolling guards, infrared sensors, and surveillance cameras placed at strategic locations. Aidan went slowly, dodging notice with the knowledge she had given. He saw two soldiers staring the periphery close to the door.

Aidan moved deliberately, getting closer. He waited until they turned their backs, then entered and quickly, silently, precisely brought them down. He pulled their bodies into the shadows as they dropped, his gaze looking about for any indication of panic.

The quiet held. Aidan let out a slow breath. thus far, thus excellent.

He turned on his communication equipment. "Domestic, Claire, what is your situation?"

" Charges set on the east side," Dominic's voice cracked across the earpiece. "We are in position now."

Aidan nodded, even though none could see him. 'Copy that.' I am at the west door. Coming in right now.

He passed through the gate hiding in the shadows. The chemical was silent; the early morning light produced long, spooky shadows. Following Emily's plans, Aidan's senses were sharp as he passed through the hallways. Every stride increased the suspense.

He noticed a set of double doors as he got near the central building. The blueprints said it resulted in Victor's command center, the location of his most delicate records. The operations of Victor would be severely disrupted if Aidan could enter and guarantee the data.

But he heard voices, the faintest murmur as he got closer to the doors. He listened, ducking behind a crate and pressed himself against the wall.

"…probably moving the files shortly. We need to be ready."

As Aidan realized the voice—that of Victor's chief of security—his heart hammered. Looking around the corner, he found two guards close to the door. Their gaze strayed the corridor, they were heavily armed.

Aidan back off, developing his strategy. He would have a straight line path inside if he could remove them fast. But he understood he had to act quickly—any delay might call for backup.

He counted down in his thoughts and ready his weapon. Three two one.

Leaping from cover, he fired two exact shots. Aidan ran to the doors and slipped inside when the guards dropped before they could respond. Emily had described exactly—rows of servers, file cabinets, and a central computer terminal—the chamber beyond.

Aidan reached the terminal plugging in a USB disk with fast hands. The progress bar inching forward as the files started to download. Every moment seemed to last eternity.

Dominic, I am at the command center. Getting the files right right now.

"Roger that," says "We're occupying the east entrance," Dominic answered. "Tell us when you are finished."

Aidan watched the download and looked across to the door. The quiet was stifling, every structure creak magnified. He understood their limited time was running out.

His earphone ruckled as the download hit seventy percent. "There's movement outside, Aidan," Claire cautioned. "The men of Victor are gathering at your place. We have possibly two minutes, tops.

"I understand. Stand by."

Eighty percent, eighty-five, he saw the progress bar grow. He waited for the files to finish and the suspense was nearly intolerable. Aidan held his firearm closer as the sounds of footsteps resounded in the corridor outside.

" Ninety-five percent," he murmured to himself. "Come on...," said

At last the download was completed. Aidan pocketed the drive she snatched from the terminal. Slipping out just as the guards walked into the room, he moved to the rear exit. Their yells trailed after him as he ran down the corridor, his feet hammering on the pavement.

He turned on his communication system. "I have the documentation here. Go to the extraction site Bravo.

"Copy that, Dominic said." "We are moving."

Aidan emerged from a side door into the courtyard ducking. Now the sun was higher, bathing the compound in a severe light. He could see Dominic and Claire negotiating the shadows toward their rendezvous spot.

But bullets burst as he ran across the open area. Aidan dived behind a stack of goods and fired back while bullets zipped past. Victor's troops were everywhere, encirccling from all directions.

"We're pinned down!" Claire screamed. "They have us all around."

Aidan looked about while his mind flew. "Keep your stance." I'm coming to you.

Hurrying forward toward his colleagues, he sought shelter. Victor's soldiers closed in, the sound of the gunshot unrelenting reverberating off the walls. Retorting back, Aidan knocked down two guards en route to Claire and Dominic's location.

When he got to them, things were bad. Overrun and outgunned, they were imprisoned behind a metal barrier. As Dominic reloaded his weapon, his face was set with will.

Dominic pointed at Aidan and stated, "We need an exit." "We won't last very long here."

Aidan looked at the gate, flitting. We run for it here. cover me.

As Aidan ran toward the gate evading bullets as he moved, Claire and Dominic lay down suppressing fire. His fingers speeding over the keyboard, he went to the control panel and hacked into the system.

"Hurry!" Claire yelled, her voice sharp with need.

Aidan gestured for them to move as the gate at last slid open. Running over the opening, the shooting got stronger as Victor's troops drew closer. Aidan shot back, shielding their withdrawal from the rushing trees toward the extraction car.

When they arrived at the SUV, Dominic sprang into the driver's seat and started the engine. Aidan and Claire sprang inside, and the car tore along the gravel road, the compound vanishing behind them.

Aidan looked at the files he had locked as they tore over the woodland. Emily's intelligence had been correct, and he understood the material he possessed might be the secret to downing Victor.

But his phone buzzed with an arriving message as the car tore down the road. Aidan watched the screen and felt his heart drop.

Victor: You actually thought you might get away? You were arriving, as I knew. Let you pick over the files.

As Aidan studied the message, his eyes grew wide. "We are caught in a trap."

Through the rearview mirror, Dominic peered at him. "What are you meant to mean?"

"Victor wanted us to have this intel," Aidan remarked, his voice tense. "He is arranging something more grand."

The road ahead burst in flames as they approached the freeway, so impeding their passage. Dominic battled to control the SUV, which swerved with tires screaming.

"Hang on!" he cried.

Aidan's gaze flew to the treeline as the car skidded to stop. Rising armed and prepared, Victor's troops blocked their retreat.

"We're not getting out of this easily," Claire remarked, her voice taut.

Aidan grabbed his weapon while his mind ran. We fight our way out here. Prepare you.

He understood, though, they were entering Victor's trap even as he said it. The battle has just begun.