Worm X OC Isekai into Panacea + OC that is Death from Castlevania - Shit-Posters.com PHO -

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♦ Topic: Panacea missing?

In: Boards ► News ► Events ► America

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Dec 1st 2010:

Alright, so yesterday there was an incident at the BB hospital.

Panacea was involved apparently, but nobody has any news about that besides that she disappeared, and we haven't gotten anything from New Wave themselves. Supposedly, some Merchants decided in their drugged up bullshit they could kidnap panacea and ransom her out for more cash and drugs.

This didn't work, as they were stopped at the entrance. The pair now known as Duel and Smith are in custody and are being moved to the birdcage for killing 3 Officers, 17 civilians and according to them Panacea. However, hospital security footage and civilian eyewitness claim to the contrary and New Wave hasn't spoked out.

19 of the people were taken hostage AFTER both of them triggered from the shots fired at them after they tried to murder their first, who was a child. PRT response came about 5 minutes after they triggered and had taken more people hostage.

PRT is going to release an official statement later today, according to my sources, so we might get more info about them.

But everyone is being suspiciously quiet about The Healer.

EDIT: PRT Statement

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►I_Will_Not_Sleep (Sleep Deprived)

Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

Shit! What the hell were they on to think that taking Panacea hostage was a good idea!? And why the fuck do they claim to have killed her!?


Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

I don't know, Super Crack?

But whatever it was, I hope they get birdcage, that's 20 people combined, 3 cops and 3 Civilians!

10 a fucking pop!


Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

I don't know man, I'm just worried about how this will affect the power landscape of our city, you know, with it being a fucking hellscape and all?

Like, seriously, the PRT are surrounded on both sides.

To the East, they have to deal with the ABB headed by Lung, the guy who fucking fought LEVIATHAN ON EVEN GROUND.

To the West, they gotta deal with the fucking Nazi's, which I can tell you my granddaddy didn't lose an arm and a leg in WW2 just for them Neo-Nazi Fucks to pop back up in AMERICA.

►Heisenberger (Not a cook)

Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

Were they on old school biker P2P clear blue? Because that's the only thing I could think of that would get them this fucking high and stupid.

►USS_My_Shiny_Metal_Butt (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

I don't know, but I think they must have been on some tinker tech drugs for them to want to do this bullshit!


Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

Not just a Simurgh plot? Who am I kidding, everything is a damn Simurgh plot.


Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

Shit! This is not good at all. Anybody think about the implications of a missing Panacea!?


Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

The fucking healing she does brings in fucking tourist and rich people money! She's basically the only thing besides the dockworkers Union keeping money flowing through the common man's hands!

►Michael_McDoesn'tExist (Who're you gonna grab?)

Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

I don't know man, but seriously, I'm thinking it's time I get out of dodge, bye BB, you are earth trashcan.


Replied On Dec 1st 2010:

My uncle's slated to have his lungs fixed by Panacea, what are we going to do now!?

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♦ Topic: Panacea spotted down by the walk!?

In: Boards ► News ► Events ► Brockton Bay

Michael_McDoesn'tExist (Original Poster) (Who're you gonna grab?)

Posted On Dec 30th 2010:

Yo! I was done at the boardwalk like 2 minutes ago and saw what appeared to be an older Panacea. Like, instead of the mousy frizzy brown curly hair and freckles from forehead to chin.

She turned into what apeared to be a bronze skined goddes!

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►PanPan (Verified Cape) (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Said three Hail Mary's, ate my vitamins, fucked off and died, amen!

Hello Brockton Bay! It's ya gurl, Skinny Penis.

You might be wondering where the fuck I've been. Refer to the first sentence, now you might wanna know what I look like now after a whole month of being gone.


And yes, I worked for, like, a half minute to make the picture look that good.

6'2", Cut, with a goddess like body, and yes, my boobs are that big now, all flesh no silicone. No, I'm not going to give anyone else a fat ass and J-cups with a body builder build.

Now you may be wondering why I look that way. Well, I have been seeing a doctor, and he's administered a rather... unorthodox treatment. It was a spa day. A deep tissue massage and a face mask... of my own powers.

Triggering twice is not fun, but hey, PanPan is a shape changer now. Maybe I'll body-snatch someone... Nah, too much work.

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Amy! Where the hell have you been! Do you know how worried I was about you!?

And what the hell happened to you!? Why do you look so different!?

►Laserdreamer (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Amy, are you okay! Do you need anyone to pick you up? I can come pick you up right now if you DM where you are.

►PanPan (Verified Cape) (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Clearly, my adopted Sister didn't read into my previous post.

Question, because I'm so close with the guy now, I have to ask y'all.

Why is it that only human hands can reach into hell? Don't you think that's weirdly fucked up? Death can't do it.

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Amy where are you, clearly you've been mastered, and we need to get you to safety away from whoever is masquerading as the god of death!

Just DM me or Crystal wherever you are and I'll come pick you up!

►Thanatos (Yes, I am Death) (No, you can't do shit.) (I am beyond your mortal understanding)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

I was put here at the dawn of life on earth to feed on the last breath of every one of you Fuckers. I'm a little more than a thing.

And yes, the thread is temporarily locked to most people so none of you little shits can interfere in the family drama.

And before anyone starts asking philosophical questions like "Death doesn't make anything, Death doesn't live" Is there a point to that? Are you going to dictate your fucking obituary to me, Belmont_Trev? I see your dumbass trying to say something.

►PanPan (Verified Cape) (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Now we know that the members of the Dallon and Pelham households are immune to Glory Girl's fucking Aura. However with the BBB, New wave way back when, taking me from my Father... Yeah, I'm not blood related, so I got affected.

It's been, like, 300 years for me, but like just over a month for y'all. I got a new gender-fluid Significant other, and we shitpost together.

BTW, To Coil, the fucker who put two merchants up to take the fall for kidnapping me.

►Thanatos (Yes, I am Death) (No, you can't do shit.) (I am beyond your mortal understanding)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

I'm going to eat your soul, shit it out and use it to smother the fucking monster you keep in your basement to death.

►PanPan (Verified Cape) (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 1st 2011:

Oh, don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful asshole.

Maybe if you got rid of that ol' yee-yee as haircut and snake costume you got, Thomas Calvert would get some bitches on his dick.

Nah, better yet, maybe Piggot would call your dog ass if she quit fuckin' with that Armsmaster she's directing or that PRT she's fuckin' with.


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