Chapter nine

She was sitting on a park bench, smiling into her phone as she answered Rowoon's text message. It was beautiful weather, the sun was shining strongly, but the neighborhood was empty. No one was walking or passing that way to work — there was only her, enjoying the beautiful weather and the news from her brother's friend.

At one point, her hand froze in place and the smile came off her face. She lowered the hand in which she held the phone and nervously looked over her shoulder. She got the impression that something had moved in the bushes that were right next to the bench.

She laughed under her breath as a bird flew out of there. In her mind she frowned at herself, as she had been acting like a coward lately. She was panicking too much.

- Are you writing with that bastard again? - She heard. Before she could react, Jungkook snatched the phone from her hand. A mocking smile appeared on his face as he looked at the screen. - Toward him, you can be sweet. Why aren't you so towards me then?

- Give the phone back - she warned him in a patient voice. - Have you been watching me?

- Do you think I have nothing else to do but watch you? - He scoffed, snorting under his breath.

- I'm not stupid, Jungkook. I know you're following me. - She furrowed her eyebrows. - In that case, how did you get here?

- I went for a walk. - He shrugged his shoulders, looking amused.

- Stop making me look like an idiot. Recently, someone has been following me all the time. I know it's you - she said.

The brunet corrected his ponytail, from which a few curly strands were coming out.

- I bet you've been watching too many thrillers lately. You get fiction mixed up with reality.

- Go away if you're going to talk to me like that.

He shrugged his shoulders once more, then dropped the phone in her lap.

- As you wish. I was on my way anyway, I don't have time to tease you.

She watched him until his silhouette moved away enough for her to feel safe.

She got up from the bench and was about to leave, but someone emerged from the bushes and grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with his hand.

- Something's, just don't scream, please. I have no intention of hurting you.

She got off the bed. Breathing heavily, she stared at a single point on the wall, feeling how hard her heart was beating. She still had the last scene from the nightmare in front of her eyes and heard the voice that spoke that one sentence to her.

Was her mind warning her in this way that she was in the wrong? Could it be that the person who was watching her was not Jungkook?

She shifted her gaze to the window. It was early morning. The sun had begun to rise, the first rays of sunlight creeping into her room.

She closed her eyelids and combed her hair with her hand. Ever since Jungkook showed up at her house, she had become more and more anxious every day. What worried her most, however, was his threat, in which he clarified it that he would hurt her sister to finally obey him.

So where was he going to start? How was he going to play it out?


She walked slowly down the stairs, watching her sister, who was sitting on the couch in the living room, sipping coffee. Even from a distance, she sensed that something was wrong. Her evil aura hovered in the air, making Chanmi feel threatened.

Could it be that Jungkook had actually set aside the crib first thing in the morning? Was he taking revenge for her bringing Rowoon home?

- Hi, Jieun. So early, and you're already awake? - The redhead asked in a pleasant voice. The older girl turned toward her, piercing her with a furious look. - Are you all right?

The brunette laughed mockingly, then rose from the couch and stood in front of Chanmi. It was like being struck by lightning as she raised her hand and slapped her across the face. The redhead stared at her sister with terrified eyes, not knowing how she should defend herself. She had no idea what Jungkook had told her.

- Of course I'm fine. I feel mega happy with the thought that my fiancé took all his stuff this morning, announcing that he's had enough of me.

- What - Chanmi was shocked by her words.

- Don't play dumb, sister. So far, you have just tried to play games with me like this. How amused you must have been when I came to you with a problem, asking you to help me find the reason Jungkook started to pull away from me.

- I don't understand what you're talking about, Jieun.

- Stop. - Her voice was so harsh that it caused the redhead's body to shiver. - In the morning, he confessed to me that I had become boring on him and that he wasn't going to take it any further, that he had been fascinated by you ever since he saw you. I never would have guessed that you would be the person who would ruin my plans for marriage in such a short period of time.

- Are you crazy, Jieun? I'm trying to limit contact with him. I can't stand him, so how can you say that I'm the one who ruined your plans?

The older girl splashed the rest of the coffee in her sister's face, then smashed the cup on the floor. Chanmi wiped her face, thanking the heavens that it had time to cool down.

- Don't play innocent. Admit that you seduced him behind my back!

- He was the one who flew after me like a dog! He could even enter my room in the middle of the night, I felt threatened, so don't tell me that I tried to seduce him! Apparently, this man has problems with his head, since he threatened me that if I didn't break contact with Rowoon, he would hurt you! And that's precisely what he did! Come to your senses! He doesn't even love you, he's been toying with you all this time! He came into our house wanting revenge! He confessed to me that he is the Chansung that you and Mom tried to kill ten years ago!

Chanmi couldn't stand it. She screamed everything in her sister's face, although she may have bitten her tongue at one point. Her words made Jieun go pale. She stood motionless until the devil stepped in and started tugging at her younger sister.

- What are you talking about, idiot? What Chansung! What attempted murder? At this point, are you suspecting me and Mom of the death of this brat? How do you create these absurd tales in your head! - she hollered, pulling the servants into the living room. From the second floor, Rowoon, who was already about to interfere, was watching them from behind the railing, but at the right moment Jin appeared and separated the sisters.

- Are you guys crazy! What are you guys doing first thing in the morning?

- Get out of my sight! Get out of the house when you're not even your parents' biological daughter! You're the trash they bought to cure our real sister! You don't even do anything useful to express gratitude, and you still have the nerve to destroy my love! Don't think to yourself that you will get Jungkook! I will never let you do that!

- Count your words, Jieun! - ripped out at her Jin, shocked that she started to bring up the painful past. - Chanmi is our sister, and don't ever say such words again!

- Sister? Even she knows the truth. She is not surprised at all - she replied with derision in her voice. - Knowing that she was about to be murdered by our family to give her heart to our dear sister, she was still stuck here. Like a parasite, she fed on our wealth, with no intention of moving her ass to work.

These words particularly hurt Chanmi. Tears flowed from her eyes. She felt the intense gaze of her brother on her, who was no doubt worried about her at that moment.

- I have done nothing wrong, and you are cruelly hurting me, Jieun - she said in a stifled voice, rubbing her face. - It hurts, especially since you believe your lying fiancé who wants to destroy our family.

She wanted to leave and go back upstairs, but was stopped by Jin.

- You are not going anywhere. You have to explain this between you.

- But you can't have a normal conversation with her! - exploded Chanmi, feeling that her heart broke into a million pieces. - She doesn't even try to listen to my explanations! I'm the bad, bad one. In the end, someone has to become the scapegoat so she can vent!

- What is going on here? - A mother appeared in the living room, whose eyes automatically turned to her beloved daughter. - What happened?

- It happened that the little bitch bounced my fiancé! Jungkook left me, moved out of here, announcing that he was fascinated by her!

- Is this true, Chanmi? - Clear indignation could be heard in the mother's voice. - How could you do such a thing! How could you do such harm to your sister!

The redhead laughed nervously, fed up with this constant accusation against her.

- Why is no one willing to listen to me? Why is no one going to be on my side?

- And what explanation do you have for seducing your sister's fiancé!!!? - The mother tore into Chanmi, walking up to Jieun and hugging her thoughtfully.

- I didn't seduce anyone, but of course.... the best thing in this situation is to find a scapegoat, and since I don't have Kim blood flowing in me, to treat me like trash. All my life I've had to obey and wait for the moment when you marry me off to make a profit. In the end, you bought me to rip out my heart, and since it was too late, you decided to raise me to fill the gap left by the death of your true Chanmi. I should be grateful to you and kiss your feet, but... someone was right after all. Why would I be? After all, you wanted to kill me. Why should I endure such humiliation at this point? Why should I continue to be stuck in this family when no one here takes me seriously?

- Don't forget about me, Chanmi. To me, you are a younger sister and I will jump into the fire for you to help you - Jin spoke up. He walked up to the redhead and put his arm around her. - I have protected you all my life and I intend to continue to do so.

- Are you on the side of this traitor? We gave her a chance to live a life of luxury and a sense of family warmth, and she repaid us with betrayal! - Jieun wasn't going to let up.

- This bastard's words are not 100% proof that this is what happened. I trust our sister, not a stranger who came out of nowhere by your side and settled in our house. Do you really know him that well, Jieun?

The brunette tightened her lips in anger, piercing her brother with her eyes.

- Yes. Until I brought him here, we were pleased with each other.

The redhead laughed bitterly.

- Well, yes. Good thing he hasn't told you yet that I dragged him to bed.

- Chanmi! - Mother's eyes expressed fury.

- That's what he wanted, he wanted you to suffer, Jieun. This is just the beginning. You and mother will pay for your sins.

- What are you talking about? - The woman looked shocked.

- About both of you being monsters if you actually tried to burn Chansung alive ten years ago.

Seeing their faces, she didn't have to wait for an answer. She turned her back on them in a big way and went upstairs to get her things.

At this point, this was no longer her home. She could no longer live here and eat on their money now that she was not part of this family. A hell had been created, into which Jungkook had undoubtedly thrown her, but that was precisely what he had in mind. He hoped that on that day all the dirt would come to light and a conflict would arise that would force Chanmi to leave.

The sick bastard won.


- We will leave here together. - Chanmi stuck a puzzled look at her brother when he and Jisoo appeared in her room, holding a suitcase in their hands. - During the night, we talked. I announced to her that I was able to do it at any time. Now I have no doubts. I'm not going to wait any longer and live in this hell.

- You are the eldest child of this family. In your hands is the entire inheritance.

- At first I was afraid, but I decided. I would rather not be an heir to let myself be controlled like a puppet for the rest of my life. Jieun is perfect for this. - He shifted his gaze to Jisoo, who forced a slight smile. - I have secured myself beforehand. I have bought an apartment, I have money set aside to start a new stage in my life. It may be hard at some point, but we don't have to worry about that now.

Chanmi ran up to her brother and hugged him close, glad that at least he was on her side in this family. She could always count on him.

- Thanks to you, I don't have to worry about what will happen to me.

- I would never let you suffer. I wouldn't leave you alone, sister. - He stroked her back, smiling slightly. - Now pack your things. Rowoon will help you.

She completely forgot about the presence of her brother's friend. If he had witnessed their quarrel, what must he have been thinking at that moment? How shocked was he when he learned of her painful past?

- So you're not coming with us now?

- The security guards will undoubtedly stop me. Mother won't let me leave the threshold of this house, so you will leave here together with Jisoo and Rowoon. At night, I will join you. Everything will be fine.

The redhead nodded, then picked up her suitcase and went out into the hallway. She felt embarrassed when her brother's friend joined them.

- Let me help you. - He took the girls' luggage, heading down the stairs. They looked at each other, then shifted their gaze to Jin.

- It will be fine - he confirmed once again.

Chanmi felt like an intruder as she headed for the exit, and Jieun watched her with hatred in her eyes. Her mother, who was standing next to her, had a stern look on her face and didn't even look in her direction.

- Jin, where are you going?

- I'm going to at least see my sister off, since she has decided to leave home - he said in a donkeys tone.

- She is no longer your sister. She no longer belongs to our family. We do not accept betrayal - her mother announced, driving a pin deep into Chanmi's heart.

- Nevertheless, I thank you for what you have done for me for twenty years - the redhead said in a whisper before leaving the house.

- Since you couldn't respect that, get out of here, and you're right.... take that worthless maid with you, who is only messing with my son's head!

Jin bit his tongue at the last moment to avoid saying words he might regret later. He, too, intended to disassociate himself from the family that was trying to control him like a puppet.

Rowoon sat behind the wheel, and Jisoo took the seat behind him. Chanmi took one last look at the house where she grew up.

- We don't belong here. Even though it hurts, we have to leave here while we can - Jin stated, to which she nodded. - We'll manage, though it will be hard.

- Will Mother just let us go like this?

- When her anger passes, she will try to pull you back. She raised you, treated you like a daughter all your life, so she won't just let you cut yourself off from your family.

He stroked his sister's hair, then ordered her to get in the car.

- See you later, brother.

He let go of her eye, giving her encouragement. She sat next to Rowoon and, fastening her seat belt, took one last glance at home.

She had to stay strong.