Cursed lands and Drowsy

Zero let out a sigh of relief that he didn't know he was holding.

They were still moving east, how far already? He didn't know, it's been a few days, he asked them about the clan and what would happen? They had some kind of communication memory and so they talked with the..remnants of the clan who survived the brutal invasion,

He didn't want to admit it but he was very worried about his parents and if they were doing alright, his Father was a saint himself so he wasn't too worried but he knew there were creatures who could squash a saint like a bug in these lands and he didn't dare think about that.

They made a small break next to what seemed to be a burned down forest, everything charred to the very ground with nothing left. It seemed very eerie to look at it and it made him shudder thinking what could be hiding just over the next few trees,

He didn't want to admit it but leaving his..remotely safe camp behind made him more than just paranoid,

Hearing his name called he went to see what was the issue.

"I've been called, what's wrong Dale?"

The young awakened turned to look him into his eyes

"We've decided to make this our small camp for tonight, we'll be moving tomorrow morning at dawn."

'ah it was about resting' He thought

"Alright, Dale is there anything I can help with?"

He was The Heir of his clan and they were practically his subjects, he didn't feel comfortable not helping out and just sitting on the sides, a reason why he disliked the other legacies.

The man in light armor looked at him as if in thought.

"Zero, have you been feeling sleepy lately?"

Zero in turn looked at him with a weird expression.

'wouldn't anyone be sleepy considering We've been walking for days without sleep? But they were awakened so maybe it's just me.'

"..a little but I can assure it's nothing of concern, the past few days without sleep is just catching up to me."

Now it was the other 3 awakeneds turn to look at him with a worried expression

*I didn't say anything wrong did I?


Have I been infected? Is that what they are worried about?"

Dale stood up and put his hands on zeros shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"We have a very high chance to believe that you have been infected by the nightmare spell, you have at most a week before you succumb.

We'll try to move as fast as we can trying to reach the outskirts of the North quadrant siege capital in Asia."

Then he looked at him with a cold glint in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Zero but even if you are the Heir if you show any signs of turning while in your nightmare we have been ordered by the founder himself to see to it that you are dead without hurting anyone."

He couldn't believe his ears,

'father said that? I can understand his thought process but did he need to specifically order awakened for such a task?..he didn't even bring it to himself to end me with his own hands if it happened or maybe he couldnt..we always talked and laughed like best friends much closer than any other father and son would've been.' Feeling his mood sour, he shook his head and looked at Dale

"I understand Dale, if that is your order I won't have any grievances with you sharing this with me.

But can you update me about my parents, we haven't heard much the last few days."

When he said that he could see their expression falter almost immediately and turn back to almost indifference.

They just looked at him in silence until it hit him.

"It can't be right? No no, this is just a bad joke, I order you tell me the truth! It can't be that simple!"

They looked at each other before nodding, and Dale stepping forwards looking at the normally somewhat muscular zero filled wifh confidence now looking like a kicked puppy.

He sighed

"We've recieved intel by one of the saints that their cohort of 7 saints has been completely annihilated. Your father Mystic Sword and your Mother Fae bringer have both fallen in battle to secure a path for the remaining mundane,Sleeper and awakened from 2 great monsters. They have been slewn and the survivors escaped until they fell prey to a great beast in hiding. That's all we know from the last saint. Seeing how we lost connection with her, we aren't sure how to proceed and can only follow our last order."

*Zero's PoV*

My breathing fastened into a hyperventilating one.

My pupils contracted and my vision got blurry

I started crying but tried to stop myself it was ugly to be seen crying, I hid my face behind my knees crouching down and hugging them.

'I.. lost everyone? But why? We..we're doing ok until now, was it because I wished to see one nightmare creature? Had someone heard my wish and turned it into a curse? Why am I still alive? gone..only this little cohort is left...with dad and mom gone there is no left to continue the legacy but me.'

I slowly stood up and slapped my face, which garnered the rest of the cohorts attention.

"I, as the Heir of the Abyssal Clan order you to protect me until we arrive at the NQSC, however you will also try to protect your own your life's are my lifes, I'm your Lord and you are my subjects I won't take any refusals.

Teach me on the use of memories, I have no essence but it could be useful in my first Nightmare, we don't have a lot of time left and I need to prepare as much as I can,

Will you help me?."

I watched them looking at me, what was it that was hanging in their eyes?

Glows of proud, sadness and yet understanding.

Then I saw them going down on one knee and speak

"We understand young lord,

We will follow your order to the bitter end.

First you should know that we have at most a month until the winter solstice, we will try our best to reach there in time, at most it should take 2-3 weeks to reach even with your sleeping body. From our current surroundings we should at most encounter awakened monsters, there being creatures of higher class is also plausible hiding in the dark.. please entrust us with your life young lord."

Hmm I could feel myself being a bit overwhelmed..

'2-3 weeks to reach the siege capital was a lot for us but for it to be right before the winter solstice, what rotten luck i have. Meaning I need to finish my nightmare as fast as I can to help them get there faster, I say this but it all depends on what the spell has planned for me..' as I get lost in thought I didn't notice the 3 awakened looking at me with troubled eyes but it wasn't out of worry, it was greed and malice hiding in their eyes. Something I could only come to regret later.