Chapter 15

_Chapter 15: Exposed_

Tyler's photo of Emily and Axel spread like wildfire through social media.

Emily's phone blew up with notifications, her friends' messages ranging from concern to condemnation.

At school, Emily faced a barrage of whispers and stares.

Lily gloated, her smile venomous. "You're just like him now."

Axel's protectiveness kicked in, his arm wrapping around Emily.

"Back off," Axel warned Lily.

But Emily stood tall, refusing to hide.

In class, Emily's teacher, Mrs. Johnson, confronted her.

"Emily, your behavior is unacceptable."

Emily's defiance sparked. "My relationships aren't yours to judge."

Mrs. Johnson's expression softened. "I'm worried about you."

Emily realized some people would never understand.

After school, Axel took Emily to his favorite spot – an abandoned art studio.

Inside, Axel's artwork covered the walls – vibrant, emotional, and raw.

"Wow," Emily breathed.

Axel's eyes shone with vulnerability. "This is me, Emily."

Emily's heart swelled. "I love it."

Axel's lips brushed against hers. "I love you."

In that moment, Emily knew their love was worth fighting for.