The Amazons

While the beauty in the white dress was scolding the other girls, the one on top of Byron seemed somewhat in a panic, increasing the speed at which she was riding his cock.

Clearly, she knew she was running out of time.

To he honest, despite the situation still unclear to Byron, now that things were not chaotic anymore, he kind of wished the girl riding him to remain there.

After all, he was starting to savor the moment.

The heat in his body had rose, his breathing laggard, his mind in heaven.

The first doses of ecstasy had started to sip in.

Unfortunately, the white dressed beauty wasn't on his side. She approached, stared at the redhead who was riding Byron and said, "Didn't you hear what I just said? Go put on some clothes!"

Byron hoped the redhead would protest, but the girl obediently got off him.

She gave the white dressed beauty a somewhat of a sinister look before shifting her gaze back to Byron.

"Don't forget I was your first, darling! Make sure you seek me out and finish what I've started!"

She then cat-walked toward the other girls, her hips swaying, the hand that held her sword raised in triumph.

Byron's lips curled into a smile. The implication in her words meant he still had a chance to resume this.

Come to think of it, the white dressed beauty had claimed she was going to take him to the Queen so they could decide how to share him among themselves.

Having them beauties share him among themselves sounded so hot already, but Byron still needed to know why and how he was there. Who they were and why they were all acting like sluts.

Perhaps he had recovered and his father decided to surprise him by organizing this prank. After all, getting hundreds of beauties to play such a role was something his father could afford so easily.

What about the voices in his head announcing system activation then? Also, where would his father have found such otherworldly girls with just natural beauty?

Byron could swear he didn't see any make up on any of the girls, and yet they were the most beautiful he had ever seen.

Luckily for him, the white dressed petite offered him her hand to pull him to his feet, then initiated a conversation.

"Sorry for the hostile reception! They can't help themselves!" she said as she bent down to pick a piece of clothe that she handed to him.

These linen mats were scattered allover the valley as every girl had brought with her at least two of them to lay on while she plays with herself.

Byron figured the petite wanted him to wrapped it around himself to cover his nudity, which he did.

"Who are you?" she asked.

Byron let out a chuckle. "I would like to ask the same question."

The petite smiled at him, grabbed his hand and dragged him with her. "Come, let's talk while I take you to the Queen."

This gave Byron a chance to pay attention to his surroundings for the first time.

They were in a valley, beautiful and green, probably because of the wide river that spilt it in half. The central area where the river passed through had low grass and a few flowers, but huge colorful trees stood here and there.

He could see majestic horses leashed on the trees around the perimeter and clothes hung on the lower branches of some of the trees.

He passed baskets filled with fruits, bread, smocked fish and other kinds of food he didn't know what to make of.

"I'm Alcippe," said the petite. "We're the Amazons. What about you? How did you end up here?"

Byron was going to tell her he should be the one asking how they got him there, but her words, especially the Amazons, unlocked a series of foreign memories inside his mind.

Memories about a guy named Pachilles living in a Greek city called Athens in what seemed to be ancient times.

He set out with his friends on a heroic quest to find Lake Themesycra in a jungle that had replaced the land of Anatolia after goddess Hera, Zeus's wife, punished all the Amazons after her husband cheated on her with their queen, Penthesilea.

The legends said anyone who will find that lake and swim from one side to the other would break the curse Hera pressed upon the Amazons.

That's why all young warriors had been taking that quest. They thought the Amazons would thank them for that, and perhaps get a  chance to marry their queen and become their king.

It would also make the one to achieve such a feat popular and a hero among Greeks, earning him recognition and lots of favours from Mount Olympus.

But apparently, that was a lie. It was a trap Hera set to kill every man who still admired or sympathized with the Amazons.

Every warrior who reached the lake and dared to jump into its waters drowned and got thrown into a river that ran through the isolated realm where Hera had imprisoned the Amazons.

'Looks like I've transmigrated into Pachilles's body after he drowned.'

'Damn! Now I even remember who Alcippe is. There's this comic book where she's the only Amazon known to have sworn a chastity oath.'

'Perhaps that's why she was the only one wearing clothes and not playing with herself like the other girls.'

With this thought, Byron opened his mouth to answer Alcippe's question.

"I'm Pachilles, but I prefer you call me Byron! Like other warriors, I've been seeking glory and thought it would come from breaking the curse Hera placed upon your kind!"

Alcippe seemed intrigued. "Nice to meet you, Byron. But how were you planning to break the curse?"

"After you vanished," he explained. "Hera gave birth to Promistus and claimed it was thanks to the Amazons that she was able to have such a beautiful boy.

"This, she claimed, made her forgive you guys for your past sins and wanted to lift the curse she placed upon you. Unfortunately, she claimed, only a mortal, male, could swim across Lake Themesycra and that was the key to breaking the curse.

"For years, young warriors had tried and failed, but it didn't stop others to try their luck. That's how my friends and I decided to try ours. Turns out, it was all a lie. There's an evil force hidden in the lake that pulls everyone who dives into it to the bottom, trapping them there until they're dead before throwing them into your realm."

Alcippe burst out laughing. "Did you really believe that bitch? Haha! Hera wants us to suffer forever. Every time a male drowns in that lake and falls in our river, our lust increases to a hundred times for three days."

She stopped and stared into Byron's flabbergasted face. "Because you drowned with 2 of your friends, that means we had been suffering extreme lust for 6 days now, and there's still 3 to go."

She took his hand and placed it on her breast. "Do you feel the heat?"

She was so hot Byron's hand couldn't bear it. He nodded his head.

"Well, that's because I don't participate in the Breeze Ritual. I have sworn celibacy long before the conflict between our queen and goddess Hera started and I intend to keep it.

"However, the girls who had been sexually active couldn't endure it. Some even become so crazy during those 3 days following the Fall that we tie them up until it's over. It's a blessing that you've survived. Now they can play with themselves some more."

Byron raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Since Hera punished us using lust, she knew we would soon start to find lovers among ourselves or masturbate to ease our urges, so she forbid it.

"Now, an amazon can't engage in intimate acts with another amazon. Those who do it die instantly. Same with the ones who masturbate."

Byron frowned. "They were clearly masturbating when I woke up," he said. "Does it mean all of them are going to die?"

Alcippe smiled at him.

"Of course not! We discovered a pothole in Hera's plan. If one touches a male, it appears as though she is with a partner. That's why the girls were touching you. That's why we fish dead bodies of the males who drown because just a touch gives one a few minutes to pleasure herself."

Byron knew there was a word for sexual acts involving the dead, but he was too flabbergasted to remember it.

"You're lucky I was late," she added. "The Queen had instructed me to come and cut off your hand so she could use it down there. It would have been a loss if you woke up with just one hand, don't you think?"
