The Sacred 69

'I want him for myself... and only myself!'

With this thought, Keza retracted her elongated tongue and her moving hair, returning them into their normal form.

The same went for her succubus features.

Her crimson bat-like wings vanished into her back as if they were never there, the horns following suit.

Byron watched as the claws on her fingers crawled back into her skin, leaving behind soft pale fingers with which any normal man would find it hard to say no if their owner offered to give him a handjob.

The last thing Keza dismissed was the crimson mist, a charm that was meant to enhance sensitivity of the person fucking her.

A charm meant to speed up the orgasm.

She had never used it on anyone before... Well, she wanted them to last longer, so why would she deliberately speed them up?

However, with Byron defying all of her charms and tricks, she had felt a need to test it on him.