Can I Touch it?

"Nym?! What the fuck are you doing?" shouted Hippolyta, frantically pulling on the sheets in an attempt to cover her naked body.

It was normal for the girls to see each other naked, especially during Breeze Rituals, but not for Hippolyta.

She was the Queen for goddess' sake. How could the girls respect her if she acted so casual around them?

They had to regard her in a mighty way. They had to wince at the sight of her. Flinch whenever they heard her voice.

To her, that's what being a queen meant. Striking fear into your subjects to make sure they will never disobey your orders.

That's one of the reasons she never participated in the Breeze Rituals. Being able to abstain from masturbation and resisting something that they all couldn't resist...

Hippolyta thought that this would make them regard her differently.

This mentality had grown within her soon after Hera banished the Amazons into this realm.