Jasmine takes a deep breath as she rests against the opposing wall of the Master bedroom. It terrifies her to see her best friend spinning out of control. Samantha has always been a wild child of summer, but this was reckless. Jasmine had lost track of Samantha's shots and the beers. Jas had tried to pull Samantha aside numerous times, but she couldn't convince her. The tinge of regret from not stopping her earlier just hurts. 

Jasmine paces as she stands outside the master bedroom. Moving up and down the hall, she turns on the balls of her feet as she tries to burn the energy. Bouncing on the tops of her feet, she knows Marc will have questions. He sensed something was wrong with Samantha and had asked Jas to watch over her. Chewing on her lip, as much as she wanted to, she wasn't there to be a babysitter but to enjoy her time with Marc. 

Sighing, she runs her palms down her sides, feeling like she let him down. He had seen something, but it wasn't obvious. Not really; Samantha is always dramatic. She always makes the situation about her where something is going wrong. She always has to be the center of attention. Jas shakes her head as she hates defying him, knowing he protects her. 

She hears the floor shifting under the weight of his steps as he moves closer to the door. Her stomach flips with each step as she squeezes the fingers behind her back. Unable to even lift her eyes from the floor as the door opens. She feels his body's warmth as he stands before her, the coolness of the air between them as he doesn't quickly reach out to her. 

"What happened?' Marc asks with a harsh tone. 

'Please, you know Samantha, she just..." Jasmine begins to explain. 

"Young lady, what happened?"

Jasmine loses her balance and falls back towards the wall, her fingertips barely catching her in time. Her eyes flutter up to his as the intensity causes her to swallow and count slowly in her mind, only able to mutter a simple phrase, "I am sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" His tone doesn't ease but simply demands answers. The pain that rises in her chest at the feeling of letting him down is almost unbearable. 

"I didn't mind you..." Jasmine hates the feeling of letting him down. She hates the idea of having to watch Samantha tonight. They both hear her say something horrible, like the world is better off without her. He should have taken her home then and there and addressed it, but he didn't. 

Jas has to admit that he wanted to. He had wanted to take her home, but she begged him not to. She had promised that if they could just go to the bar crawl and the bonfire, she would promise...her eyes blink back tears at the sudden sobering memory of promising to look out for Samantha if they could just stay. 

"You failed to keep a promise, young lady. I had to tie her into bed and give her an IV for fluids. You know how much I hate to do that... that is not what I am here for."

"I know..."

"Why did you not look out for her? She could have died, and I had trusted you to do what is best. What you promised."

The words ring in Jasmine's ears like a slap across her face. Tears springing to her eyes, she stumbles at the words she wants to say next. There is no excuse; she didn't want the night spoiled, which was hardly a reason to stay. That she had seen Samantha drink more before today would probably be even worse. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she looks into his eyes, her bottom lip quivering. 

"Slave." His voice gives a command of a single word.

Hooking her thumbs into the bottom of her swimsuit, she pushes it down, bending slightly as her face brushes against his chilled chest. The bikini bottom slips off gently as she places her fingers on the small bow at the front, letting it fall to the floor. The cool breeze of the inner hallway brushed across her ripples and bare lips, causing soft tremors. 

Bending at her knees, Jasmine bounces in an almost seductive dance as she picks up her bathing suit. Rising, she desperately wants to run her hands over his body, but this isn't the mood or moment. Looking down, she sees the intensity of the blood running through his veins like after a great workout. The muscles in his forearms twitch as she holds her bathing suit out to him. 

"Here, Master," Jasmine says, her voice barely above a whisper. 

His body is pulsing with energy and raw power. Even the vein in his neck shows as he looks on the verge of saying something. She can't explain it, but she almost wishes he would yell at her, to spank and whip her, to do anything to let out his emotions, to make her feel chastised for her actions. She needs to feel the power of his guidance, but this is worse. The tears and the fear in his eyes break something in her. 

"Master, I am so sorry."

"We could have lost her."

"I know..."

"I am just so angry. I knew we should have gone, but I let you talk me into it. I trusted you to let me know when it got out of hand. I have given you far too much freedom, which will change."

"Yes, Master," Jasmine answers, afraid for the first time in years. Afraid not of his anger, his strength, or his words. She was ready and willing to endure anything for the man she had loved for ten years. She had begun as his slave, his property barely having any rights at all. 

Loving the darkness that encompassed every inch of his mind. 

The depth of their exploration was exciting. Then suddenly, he had deployed overseas, and when he came back, he was different. He held back so much that she barely saw the Master she loved anymore. She saw a man who was a protector. He helped and guided those in the neighborhood, always willing to find the lost sheep needing discipline and protection. 

Jasmine had hated all those who had come to them for their protection. Hated all the women who were living with them now. This was supposed to be an escape from being the perpetual babysitter. She hated that she was not allowed to be with him anymore. It was always with another, never just the two of them, but always three, four, or five. She feels anger moving up her veins as she clenches her fists, letting her mind run wild.

Now that she knows Samantha is safe, she can't describe it. She wants to lash out, scream, and get angry about why they can't escape this need to look out for others. But then her eyes find him, and it stops. The hurt just tears something inside of her that she can't help when he just sits there quietly, doing everything he can to control his temper, and she is letting hers run wild. 

She misses the days when Marc would unleash on her. When he didn't hide his anger or his strength or power, he just unleashed his will. She loved the idea of being manhandled, the way his arms gripped her as he held onto her tightly. He had this scent at the moment that was so raw, so unmistakable that she had been going through withdrawals. She needed the monster to come alive. Her mind is running away from her. She is no longer that submissive, pliable woman. 

"Marc, why is she here?!" Jasmine demands. 

"Excuse me?" His voice was cold. The hairs on the back of Jasmine's neck rise. 

"Why are we always collecting strays?"

"Slave, tonight is not the night for this."

"When is the night for this? We can't keep putting g our time on hold to save every lost girl."

"I told you when I got back..."

"Yes, you told me that you could never leave anyone behind. This isn't the military, they aren't your brothers and sisters in arms. Samantha has been in love with you for years. Don't you think that would cause an issue?"

Jasmine gasps as he grips her arms and pushes her into the wall. Catching her breath, she smiles, gasping for air as she sees a hint of the man she used to know. A hint of the man who would do anything to consume and command her. Her mind reels with excitement as she wonders what she can do. What she can say that would rile him up even further. 

"You can't control me, Marc. I am done being commanded. Until you can show me..." Jasmine flinches as he places his hand next to her as she tries to slip his grip. 

"You can't abandon us now."

"There is only the two of us. They are not your team members who lost Marc. They are just broken girls. I can't carry this burden anymore."

Jas feels her heart breaking as she looks at him. He isn't the man she used to know. He has lost so many people, but he needs to get help, and he won't be with her here. He will just keep pretending that everything is going well. She is his strength, and it is killing her. He needs help. He used to be the strongest man she knew. But now, in this moment, he is just lost. 

"You must put down your burden, Marc; you can't save everyone."

His breath slows as his head rests down against hers. She feels her heart beating rapidly in her chest as she hates moments like these. Moments that she has to be the strong one, he used to be her strength. Taking a deep breath, she places her hand on his chest. 

"Marc, you need to see someone. I can't anymore. I need someone strong to be with me. I need someone who can command me and never let me see the light of day. When you are capable of that, I will be back. But until then, I am just holding you back." Jasmine says as her fingers trail down his chest as she walks into a further bedroom, getting ready to pack a bag.