Samantha gasps in her sleep, twisting her body around the sheets as she pants in her dreams. Her hands move down her body with his simple command. She is sleeping naked, the smell. Of his aftershave in the pillows as she struggles to catch her breath. She felt his right hand on the base of her throat as he pushed her back into the wall of the bathroom. 

Her fingers trail down her body as she struggles desperately to control her desires. The hunger builds inside her as she dreams of his hands keeping her still. His intense glare as she held his eyes, looking up at him wanting more, wanting everything. Her body trembles softly like soft fevers of pleasure traveling through her body.

Her fingers trail down as she grasps her right breast, remembering the scent of him. The warmth of his breath on her neck as she sucked softly on his thumb. Her eyes focused on nothing but his look, his sense of approval as she obeyed. 

Her hands moved down the flat of her navel to her waist, remembering the minty smell of his breath. Her body convulses in waves of pleasure as she feels the warmth of her body grow stronger as she struggles to remember anything but his eyes. 

Struggles to remember anything but the intensity of his eyes, and her fingers travel down. His eyes, his approval, his attention turned down to her as she sucked upon his thumb. Her fingers move down her mon as her fingers travel lower, her body twisting protectively around the sheets. Instinctively protecting herself from her wandering desires. 

Their right hand tangled in the sheet as she let her left hand find its way. Her body is so focused on one that her left-hand feels almost foreign as she remembers his scent. The breath on her neck, the way his lips brushed against it with a soft kiss as she intensified the way she moved her tongue against him. Just as her left hand reaches her labia and touches the seam of her lips, she hears his single word, the command, escaping his lips in a husky growl, "MINE." 

"Master!" Samantha moans, her body convulsing and tightening as her hand becomes slick with desires. Sitting in bed, she feels a quiet combination of alertness and calmness. Her body is just a series of small goosebumps down her arms and legs. Breathing slowly, she takes long, deep breaths to calm her body. 

Wrapping herself in the sheets, she fears she will not be enough. That something is happening, and this is all a dream. That she was never pulled off the beach, that she is just in a deep alcohol-induced coma, and that no one has ever loved or cared for her enough to truly own her tripping the sheets around her, embarrassed by her arousal at the dream she pads down the hall of the beach house quietly. 

Samantha knows she is to be undressed and earn everything she will be given but is scared. Scared of the dreams of desires, scared of letting him down. Going to his room, the Master bedroom that she spent the first few nights in, the one she was spanked in, gives her slight momentary pause as she wants to knock but is worried that he would deny her. To send her away and to tell her is foolish for having these fears. 

Pushing the door open, Samantha is surprised to see Marc sleeping on his side, the blanket falling from his shoulders to the top of his muscular, toned abs. She chews on her lower lip as she moves closer, feeling the energy between them. The magnetic power is pulling her forward to see the beauty of his body in the soft moonlight. For the first time, she hears the waves crashing into the beach. She is too afraid to move, even to breathe.

Samantha steps forward and hears a loud creak of the wood beneath her feet, shattering the silence. Looking down at her, she quietly curses under her breath, wondering where the offending step is as it is buried within a flow of sheets covering the place in the darkness. Fluttering her eyes up to Marc again, she pauses, seeing his eyes open, smiling on his face. 

"That's not exactly naked, is it?" Marc asks as he chuckles softly. 

"No, Sir." Samantha moves her head quickly from side to side. She lets go of the sheets, letting them cascade into a pool of forgotten, silken dreams at her feet. Stepping forward, she feels his eyes on her as she moves closer to him. 


"Yes," Samantha says, blinking back her surprise. 

"After the day you had, only being scared would have you leave your room after being tucked in."

Samantha steps forward, remembering the sensation of his kiss against her cheek. Wanting desperately to earn the right to a kiss on her lips, wishing her goodnight. Or better yet, to fall asleep wrapped in the safety of his arms. 

"I am sorry that I am scared, Sir."

"Why?" Marc asks, sitting in his bed as the blanket and sheets drop into his lap. The base of his hips baris e, telling her that he sleeps naked as well. She does everything she can to pull her eyes off the discovery.

"I am scared what if I am not enough."

"You've always been enough just as you are, Samantha. You are enough to be anything you want to dedicate your life to."

"Does that mean I am enough to be yours?" Samantha asks the biggest question of her life. Biting down hard on her lips to keep them from trembling. 

"As long as you know, you won't be my one and only. I don't ever let you believe one thing and something else happens," his words are calm and soothing—a lot calmer than if someone had suddenly entered her bedroom. 

"You think Jasmine will come back?" Samantha asks softly. 

"She always does, but never quite the same."

"I know what it is like to be thrown away so easily. I'd never do that to you." Samantha confesses. 

Marc leans back and pats his right thigh. She hasn't been trained yet but has been around Jasmine enough to know what that means. Walking forward, she places her hand on the mattress and crawls up towards him in the center of the bed. Moving on hands and knees, she crawls and lowers herself peacefully across his knee. She looks over her left shoulder with a soft smile, seeing the happiness in his eyes. 

"Where did you learn this?" Marc. asks with pride. 

"From watching you all these years," Samantha answers softly as a soft moan escapes her lips as his hand rubs her already warm ass. Hoping the warm glow she had seen earlier in her mirror was visible in the moonlight. 

"I love the sentiment, but this isn't what I was asking for," Marc says and sees the momentary panic in Samantha's eyes and quickly reassures her, "I love that, you know, and from now on, that is what it will always mean."

Sam feels the warmth spread across her face as she looks at him again, "What did you want?"

Samantha lets out a little squeal as she feels Marc's hand reach down under her knees and below her chest. In a quick movement without any delay, she is flipped on her back, and he pulls her forward. For a second, she is confused until she finds her head resting on his chest. 

She hears her heartbeat in her ears as she realizes he is cradling her in his arms. She is so scared to let him down because she is afraid she will be turned away because she is bothering him. People have told her a thousand other things throughout the years. 

She had gone there, wishing he could distract her with his body. But at this moment, she felt so small and fragile. In this moment, she was the most vulnerable she had ever been. She had learned to expect only one answer when she was scared, and it never was to be protected and cradled deep in his arms. Once her mind stops spinning, it takes her so little time to fall asleep once more simply.