Lovely session

The time pass, and then, hours. The cameras continue recording, and directly obtaining footage of the continuous struggle of SCP-9743 while sleeping, in a nonstop of movement all around while sleeping, unable to stand laying while sleeping, and rolling around of the bed, and some time, having a pose of leaning to his chest with his hands closer too.

In the morning, between 09:00 am and 10:00 am, Dr. Adler enters SCP-9743's containment chamber to check if is awake and ready, but finds him sleeping, so she leaves and closes the door slowly. After a big while, now more around 10:00 am, SCP-9743 slowly awakes, as he gets up yawning silently, and has a sleepy expression.

After a moment of letting SCP-9743 get more awake and conscious, Dr. Adler enters once again in the chamber, but encounters SCP-9743 is still half sleepy. Still, Dr. Adler takes SCP-9743's right hand and leads him to SCP-105's containment chamber.

In the way, SCP-9743 yawned multiple times silently, some times raising his left hand to hide his mouth. After a moment, they finally reach, and SCP-9743 enters SCP-105's containment chamber. Instantly, SCP-105 looks at SCP-9743.

SCP-105: "Hey there! Name's Iris-- I mean, SCP-105. Yeah, that! Anything you need?" She asks him in a polite manner.

SCP-9743: "... Hi." Says with a clear sleepy expression, and if is even falling asleep while being awake.

SCP-105: "You look pretty tired. Are you alright?" She asked as she knelt down to be at eye-level with him.

SCP-9743: "I just... Woke up..." Raises his left hand to cover his mouth as he yawns silently.

SCP-105: "You just woke up and you're already this tired?" She says, giving a soft sigh a she puts her hand on his forehead to check his temperature, seeing if he is sick.

SCP-9743: "Yeah... I'm always tired."

SCP-105: "Always tired? You sure you aren't sick or anything?" She asks again as she pulls her hand away, making sure he really isn't sick.

SCP-9743: "Yeah, just... I'll get more awake quickly."

SCP-105: "Do you not a get a lot of sleep? Or do you get enough sleep?" She asks, tilting her head.

SCP-9743: "Like if I don't sleep. So basically if I don't is the same if I do."

SCP-105: "And how often do you not sleep?" She asks, still sounding a little concerned about the fact that he don't sleep.

SCP-9743: "Uhm... Only in night. I can't even sleep in night, so... I just turn myself off and on?"

SCP-105: "Turn yourself off and on like a computer?" She asks, a little surprised by his words.

SCP-9743: "I mean... For how it feels... Yeah, is like turning on and off, and yet not rest."

SCP-105: "Doesn't that not give your brain time to rest?" She asks, still very concerned, but also curious about his condition.

SCP-9743: "I guess, but... I don't feel rested in any moment... When I wake up, yeah, but... I don't know, my brain isn't braining."

SCP-105: "Your brain isn't braining?" She repeats, looking a little confused by what he mean.

SCP-9743: "Yeah... But well... what was your name again?"

SCP-105: "My name's Iris." She tells him, still seeming concerned over him.

SCP-9743: "A... Wait... Isn't Iris a part of the eye?"

SCP-105: "Yeah, why do you ask?" She says, tilting her head again when he mentions that.

SCP-9743: "Huh... That explains why I can't stop looking at you. I guess I have now to live on having you as my only view. I can used to it."

SCP-105: "Wait-- Hold on a sec-- What do you mean you can't stop looking at me?" She asks, a light blush appearing on her cheeks from what SCP-9743 said.

SCP-9743: "You know what I mean, but well... I want breakfast... Did you had breakfast?"

SCP-105: "I haven't had breakfast yet, no, but--" She pauses for a moment to think to herself, a little embarrassed by what he had said, but decides to get back to what she was going to say. "You still haven't explained about the whole eye thing though."

SCP-9743: "Fine... Is just a flirt. I don't know how you didn't see that though."

SCP-105: "I--" She blushes a little more when SCP-9743 tells her that he was flirting, but tries to keep a calm, cool, and collective attitude. "I-I knew you were flirting, just wasn't expecting you to say that so-- I dunno, openly, I guess?"

SCP-9743: "I'm open with everything. I just say whatever I think. I simply don't care of telling like nothing."

SCP-105: "So you don't care if what you say might-- I dunno, embarrass yourself or whatever?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a little again, curious about him.

SCP-9743: "No, honestly. I feel the embarrassment, but... I just do it anyway. Example... I don't know any example right now."

SCP-105: "Of course you don't." She says, shaking her head again, and a second time for emphasis. "You probably make a lot of people embarrassed because of the stuff you say, do you?"

SCP-9743: "I don't know. Not honestly, but I was almost all the time alone, so... No for the time I'm with someone."

SCP-105: "You were alone all the time?" She questions, sounding a little surprised by what SCP-9743 told her, like she didn't think he would've been alone.

SCP-9743: "Yeah, I'm used to be alone, so... What's the matter?"

SCP-105: "The matter is that no way you weren't lonely being all by yourself like that, right?" She asked, wanting to know if he actually was lonely from being all by himself.

SCP-9743: "Well... Yeah is lonely, but I don't have to deal with anyone."

SCP-105: "But you also don't have to deal with people who care for you and could help you, though." She says with a frown, a little concerned.

SCP-9743: "That... For that is like if I'm with others, like if I'm not. So... For me, that part was never inside the contract of being with people."

SCP-105: "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she looks at him, trying to figure out what he meant.

SCP-9743: "Nevermind, don't worry, beauty. I'm not going to drill your head with unnecessary info. Want to take breakfast with me?"

SCP-105: "Not worry --" She freezes for a moment, then blushes red again. "Did you just call me 'beauty'?" She asked, ignoring the question about breakfast for a moment.

SCP-9743: "Well, you prefer me calling you 'Golden view'? 'Little star'? 'Golden image'?"

SCP-105: She blushes even more when SCP-9743 says that. "S-STOP." She says, covering her face with her hands, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

SCP-9743: "Huh... I still have the full angelical pack to please a woman... Well, good to know."

SCP-105: "Please stop saying things like that." She says, still having her hands over her blushing face, but now looking like she's glaring at him through the spaces between her fingers, even though she's still embarrassed.

SCP-9743: "Alright, alright... Do you want breakfast?"

SCP-105: She still seemed a little flustered and embarrassed by SCP-9743's earlier comments, but sighs and nods, finally taking her hands away from her face. "Y-Yeah, I guess breakfast sounds good right now."

SCP-9743 raises his left hand, and opens a portal, what surprises and leaves in awe SCP-105, but decides to not pay her mind into that. After a moment of SCP-9743 entering in the portal to his void, he comes back with two plates, two forks, and what seems a slice of pie in each plate, and offers one plate to SCP-105.

SCP-105: "That's one way to bring some food for breakfast--" She says with a soft laugh, taking the plate from him and looking at it. "Are you seriously having pie for breakfast?"

SCP-9743: "Yeah, I mean... When I don't know what to eat... I used to simply go for nostalgia, and... Eat a slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie."

SCP-105: "Butterscotch--cinnamon pie?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow as she looks back up at him, sounding a little surprised by what he told her.

SCP-9743: "Or maybe spaghetti, but with my own style of ingredients."

SCP-105: "Your own style of ingredients?" She said, sounding curious, as the surprised look gets replaced by a curious look.

SCP-9743: "Well, doesn't matter." He suddenly sits down and crosses his legs, and start eating his slice.

SCP-105: She watches you for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. "Are you ever able to actually answer a question properly?" She asked, before looking back at the pie slice she was given, taking a bite of it.

SCP-9743: "Yeah, but... I was never good in telling about myself... Neither is a good idea in doing so..." Then he continues enjoying his slice.

SCP-105: She sighs again, deciding there was no point on trying to argue about that and decides to leave it be for now, as she continues to eat her slice to. "This is a pretty good pie, though." She says after taking another bite and swallowing.

After both finished enjoying the slices of pie, guard entered to lead SCP-9743 back to his containment chamber, but before he left, he gave a comment to SCP-105.

SCP-9743: "For pretty things, then I should've tasted you~"

SCP-105 blushed again as SCP-9743 made another somewhat flirty comment, and just rolled her eyes as she sat back down in the nearby chair after standing for the few minutes that you both had been eating.

She let out a sigh as SCP-9743 got taken back to his containment room, but she was still blushing a little when she remembered what he had said, not being able to get the image of what he had said out of her head, no matter how much she tried.

Inform: Interaction Between SCP-9743 and SCP-105 Analysis of SCP-9743's Behavior

Exhaustion and Detachment:

SCP-9743 begins the interaction in an overtly tired state, displaying a sleepy and lethargic demeanor. His openness about his perpetual exhaustion, inability to rest properly, and the sensation of "turning off and on" reflects both his physical condition and his mental weariness. The detachment SCP-9743 shows in answering personal questions about his sleep habits or past indicates a habitual avoidance of deeper emotional connections or self-reflection.

Flirtatious Nature:

Throughout the interaction, SCP-9743 demonstrates a playful and flirtatious tone, using terms like "beauty" and "Golden view" while intentionally embarrassing SCP-105. His comments, though lighthearted, serve as a way for him to maintain control of the dynamic, deflecting attention from himself while testing SCP-105's reactions. The Foundation may interpret his flirtation as either a coping mechanism or a calculated method of disarming others emotionally.

Vulnerability and Shared Moments:

Despite his tendency to deflect and joke, SCP-9743 allows glimpses of vulnerability. His choice to bring SCP-105 breakfast, a nostalgic butterscotch-cinnamon pie, reveals a sentimental side tied to past experiences. His comment about not being good at sharing information about himself underscores his reluctance to form deeper bonds, possibly due to his past experiences of isolation or betrayal.

Boundaries and Guardedness:

SCP-9743 deliberately avoids revealing too much about his personal life or inner thoughts, even when pressed. His remark, "I was never good in telling about myself… neither is a good idea in doing so," indicates a deep-seated mistrust and a fear of vulnerability.

Analysis of SCP-105's Behavior

Empathy and Concern:

SCP-105 (Iris) displays an empathetic and caring approach, immediately expressing concern for SCP-9743's exhaustion and well-being. She attempts to assess his condition, both physically and emotionally, despite his deflection. Her persistent questioning about his sleep patterns and loneliness suggests a genuine desire to connect and understand SCP-9743 better.

Flustered but Adaptable:

Iris becomes visibly flustered by SCP-9743's flirtatious comments, showing vulnerability herself. However, she adapts quickly, dismissing or redirecting the conversation when it becomes uncomfortable for her. Her reaction to SCP-9743's portal-opening ability indicates both awe and an ability to remain composed in unexpected situations, likely honed by her own anomalous experiences.

Reciprocation and Groundedness:

While she is flustered by SCP-9743's charm, Iris ultimately grounds herself, focusing on the shared moment of enjoying breakfast. Her positive acknowledgment of the pie and her willingness to engage in light conversation reflect her adaptability and openness.

Psychological Insights

SCP-9743's Dual Nature:

SCP-9743 oscillates between guarded detachment and playful openness. This duality suggests a defense mechanism—his flirtation and teasing deflect from his underlying exhaustion and deeper emotional struggles. His inability to sleep or feel rested, despite being biologically anomalous, aligns with his internal conflict and perpetual sense of dissatisfaction.

SCP-105's Role as a Stabilizing Force:

Iris's empathetic and understanding nature creates a dynamic that encourages SCP-9743 to let his guard down, even if only slightly. Her groundedness contrasts with his chaotic tendencies, potentially fostering trust over time.

Potential Relationship Development:

The interaction hints at the potential for a deeper bond between SCP-9743 and SCP-105, as SCP-9743 seems to respond positively to her presence and concern. While his flirtation may serve as a distraction, his willingness to share a meal and his nostalgic choice of pie suggest a desire for connection, even if subconsciously.

Foundation Implications and Actions

Monitoring and Encouraging the Dynamic:

The Foundation should carefully observe the interactions between SCP-9743 and SCP-105, as the positive rapport could be used to encourage SCP-9743's cooperation in future tests or containment protocols.

Leveraging Shared Activities:

Activities like shared meals or collaborative tasks (e.g., SCP-9743 demonstrating abilities while SCP-105 observes) could strengthen their bond while providing valuable behavioral insights.

Testing Emotional Boundaries:

The Foundation may task SCP-105 with asking SCP-9743 targeted questions in a casual, non-threatening environment, potentially uncovering more about his psyche, abilities, and motivations.

Caution Against Dependence:

While the interaction is promising, the Foundation must ensure SCP-9743 does not become overly reliant on SCP-105's presence, which could complicate containment should she become unavailable.

Closing Reflection

The interaction between SCP-9743 and SCP-105 showcases his dual nature—guarded yet yearning for connection—while highlighting SCP-105's empathetic and stabilizing influence. This encounter sets the stage for further exploration of SCP-9743's psyche and his complex relationships with both humans and anomalous entities.