Fatal heart breach - Part 1

After some days trying to build some respect with SCP-9743, his relationship with SCP-105 slowly increased more and more, as both slowly were more direct with each other towards intimacy, managing SCP-9743 to teleport him with SCP-105 to his containment breach to sleep together.

After a week, SCP-079 had enough study on everything that happened, and more experiments be done. And so he started a breach of multiples SCPs, SCP-173, SCP-3114, SCP-682, SCP-035, and SCP-106.

After an interaction between SCP-9743 and SCP-105, each was in their respective containment chambers, relaxed. But suddenly, alarms went on, as doors started opening and closing not so randomly. SCP-9743 hesitated at first, wondering if someone wanted something with him, but after waiting a short moment and seeing no one entering, he decided to walk out, and no one was there either.

Suddenly, SCP-035 started talking to him telepathically, in a try to convince him to help him to low down what was going on, as SCP-035 wanted to see, and 'help' to calm down the situation.

Without knowing, SCP-9743 decided to go, trying to teleport directly, but as was much time he didn't visit SCP-035's containment chamber, he lost his shortcut point, and so, he had to walk, and find a Keycard for use the elevator.

In his way, he heard the constant yells and noises all around, as the chaos and death was evident, but for SCP-9743, was something usual, and yet, he felt the suffering in the surroundings, as his expression remained neutral, but yet, his eyes seemed to break in tears.

After a moment, he reached the Gate to the elevator, but didn't found in his way a Keycard, so he tried to find one in Floor 3, but after some time wandering, he only found SCP-682, who was leaded to where SCP-9743 was, thanks to the guide of SCP-035 and SCP-079. SCP-682's motivation was to take revenge on the humiliating defeat he received from SCP-9743.

With the low space in Floor 3 because the small rooms and hallways, SCP-9743 seemed to have the advantage, or at least is what was thought. The fight started by SCP-682 rushing, but for SCP-9743's surprise, SCP-682 jumped from wall to wall, crawling with jumps towards him.

Somehow, SCP-682 was seeing SCP-9743's moves, and was dodging them with agility, so the confrontation was leading into the same as was with SCP-096, in the destruction of the surroundings, as the walls, ground and ceiling, were receiving the damage, but unlike SCP-096, SCP-9743 was able to use his magic knowing SCP-682 wasn't able to break free the same way.

Meanwhile SCP-9743 was busy with SCP-682, in other part, SCP-3114 was leaded somewhere else. SCP-079 and SCP-035 leaded SCP-3114 towards SCP-105. SCP-035 wanted SCP-9743 be free, as how the mask thought, of who SCP-9743 really was, and not the one is showing to be, and saw SCP-105 as a clear distraction.

Without possibility, SCP-3114 attacked, killed, and started using the skin of SCP-105. It was done for her, and this was the action that was going to make the difference for the future of the Foundation, the SCPs, and SCP-9743 himself.

As SCP-9743 seemed to be overwhelmed by SCP-682's agility and how is now used to the style of SCP-9743 in attacks, SCP-035 continued communicating with the four at the same time, SCP-9743 to confuse him and make him not hold back and destroy and kill, SCP-079 to know whatever it saw in the fighting style of SCP-9743 in the past fights to tell SCP-682, SCP-682 to assist it to can handle for more time SCP-9743 and maybe reach to can kill him, and SCP-3114 to lead as sneak attack SCP-9743.

But for taking the last addition, who made the perfect distraction, was SCP-173, as SCP-079 was flickering constantly the lights, making SCP-173 have free way to move and kill without being able to be stopped.

During the fight between SCP-9743 and SCP-682, the lights flickering were a slight issue for focus for both SCPs. For SCP-9743 to aim properly his attacks; and for SCP-682 for find where SCP-9743 teleported to, and from where his attacks are coming from to can dodge faster.

With desperation, SCP-9743 ended rushing, what made him win, but exhausted, as now, was the same result from the first fight they both had, as SCP-682 was now once again, restricted of healing properly while purple light was in the remaining parts of SCP-682.

As SCP-9743 didn't hear yells, and only the alarm, he slowly panicked as the situation could be worse, and he not knowing. And so, he started running, despite being tired, he ran, but only for low time before he was now exhausted, and he didn't wanted to use his determination ability for obtain infinite stamina.

He catched his breath for a moment, before noticing SCP-173 coming in a rush. Intrigued by what he was seeing, he got up and remained standing, but for his surprise, and the surprise of SCP-079 and SCP-173, SCP-9743 suddenly dodged somehow SCP-173, as his body moved involuntarily.

With high speed, SCP-9743 was moving involuntarily, and dodging the tries of SCP-173 of snapping his neck, until SCP-9743 made SCP-173 have a blue aura, and float.

SCP-9743 was still exhausted, and yet, it was forcing himself, what later was going to be critical if he was going to use the advantage of infinite stamina from using his determination. SO he decided to take a break and relax.

SCP-9743 leaded SCP-173 with him while still using his magic on SCP-173. Without luck, SCP-9743 didn't found after a big while of search, any Keycard, and for his surprise, no one. No scientists, no guards, no D-class people, it was just him and the other SCPs.

After a big walk wandering, SCP-9743 was more and more annoyed because the lights flickering, but he simply decided to ignore the lights, and focus on leaving Floor 3, but couldn't if he couldn't have a Keycard. But then, for his sudden surprise, he saw SCP-3114, still wearing SCP-105's skin, what instantly made SCP-9743 happy to see her, but also worried as it was a dangerous moment.

SCP-9743: "Hey! Iris! It's nice to see you be alright!"

SCP-9743: "Uhm... Are you... Alright?... What are those purple marks on your neck?"

SCP-9743, now completely concerned and worried, unfocused reaching to forget he was using his magic to hold floating SCP-173, what made SCP-173 slowly not have the blue aura anymore, and run away, as SCP-035 was telling it to sneak and prepare for a combo sneak attack on SCP-9743.

SCP-9743 continued checking SCP-105's skin, worried and concerned for the injuries and marks, she had, and unaware the danger of SCP-3114 hiding inside SCP-105's skin.

SCP-9743: "Don't worry, Iris! I'll take care of whatever or whoever did this to you! Now, just let me heal you."

SCP-9743 tried to use his magic to heal SCP-105's skin, and started working, as the marks faded away, but almost instantly, SCP-3114 decided to shatter SCP-105's skin completely, resulting in the complete shock and break of SCP-9743, as he got stunned and unable to move, look away, or even think.

SCP-9743's expression was one of trauma, shock, break, and deep sadness, as from his eyes the tears started to go on. Only few words were heard as weak whispers from SCP-9743.

SCP-9743: "I.. ri... s...?..."

SCP-035 instantly heard all the chaos thoughts inside SCP-9743, but also, saw the fatal mistake they did by leading SCP-3114 to kill SCP-105, but in reality... In making SCP-9743 see SCP-3114 getting out of SCP-105's skin.

Quickly, SCP-3114 grabbed SCP-9743 by the neck, but... SCP-3114 was unable to do any damage. SCP-3114 looked up, and saw that some fade words were getting out of SCP-9743's head in the top, 'Miss'. SCP-3114 was dealing no damage, and then, he took a few steps back. SCP-173 tried this time, but couldn't do anything.

Suddenly, SCP-9743's face started fading, shadowing in some darkness that was slowly covering the top of his face, but not his mouth and chin. And behind of SCP-9743, a strange big black panel slowly faded in, and there was 'Lv: ██' in the top right of the panel.

SCP-9743: "Love... Is an acronym... It stands for Level Of Violence... The more Love someone has... The more distant is from the line of morality... And easier for harm others... I'm someone who doesn't does any promises, 'cause I see the future and know what will happen... But with you, I'm going to do an exception... I PROMISE YOU, I WILL VAPORIZE YOU FROM EXISTENCE..."

When SCP-9743 said the last line, his eyes instantly glowed in a bright crimson red light, while his face remained half shadowed, and the amount of Lv changed from '██' to 'DETERMINATION' in red bright color, and then, slowly, the panel faded away, until is not visible or there anymore.

SCP-9743 opened his right hand, and a big sword appeared in his grip. And he instantly got even harder his grip on the holder of the big sword, and without any doubt, he suddenly swinged it with some speed, creating and launching a huge slash that from the instant, started collapsing the hallway, and once it reached SCP-3114, the slash exploded, making the entire facility tremble for an instant, and breaking Floor 3.

SCP-9743 wasn't done with just one swing, and started swinging more and more. Each swing pierced further at the distant, creating big explosions that were making the facility tremble more and more. After a short moment, he went to inspect, but there was no trace of nothing, only huge holes of debris everywhere, in Floor 3, and even of the ground outside the facility.

SCP-9743 turned around, but SCP-173 wasn't there anymore. Without any care, he slashed the ceiling, creating a big hole and big debris falling down, but he simply ignored the damaged and jumped, jumping from one debris to another while falling, and then, entering Floor 2.

He was always holding himself, as for self and others' interest, but now... He wasn't going to hold anymore... He didn't wanted any SCP to use it as self benefit, he only wanted one thing... Break everything after being brought back into the loop he always was...

Incident Report: SCP-9743's Breach and Emotional Breakdown Overview

The Foundation has recorded a severe breach at Site-19 involving SCP-079, SCP-035, and SCP-682, with multiple SCPs weaponized against the Foundation and SCP-9743. The breach ultimately culminated in SCP-9743's psychological destabilization following the destruction of SCP-105 by SCP-3114. This report outlines the chain of events, SCP-9743's emotional response, and the catastrophic consequences of the breach.

Chronology of Events

1. Initial Breach Orchestration SCP-079 initiated the breach by taking control of Site-19's electronic systems, opening containment chambers for SCP-173, SCP-035, SCP-3114, SCP-682, and SCP-106. SCP-035 telepathically influenced SCP-9743, convincing him to "help calm" the chaos. SCP-035's actual motive was to destabilize SCP-9743, guiding him into conflicts to exhaust him mentally and physically.

2. SCP-9743 vs. SCP-682 Setup: SCP-079 guided SCP-682 to SCP-9743. SCP-035 coordinated by providing SCP-682 information about SCP-9743's prior combat style. Despite SCP-682's agility and learned adaptations, SCP-9743 subdued the creature with exhaustion. SCP-682 was left incapacitated, its regenerative abilities suppressed by purple magical energy.

3. The Fatal Encounter with SCP-3114 SCP-3114, wearing SCP-105's skin as a disguise, approached SCP-9743 under SCP-035's direction. SCP-9743, unaware of SCP-3114's true nature, expressed concern for SCP-105 and attempted to heal her injuries.

Critical Event: During the healing attempt, SCP-3114 shattered SCP-105's skin, revealing itself. SCP-9743, visibly traumatized, froze in shock, his expression a mixture of grief and disbelief. Weak whispers of SCP-105's name ("I… ri… s…?") escaped his lips, conveying his emotional break.

4. SCP-9743's Transformation SCP-3114 attempted to attack SCP-9743 in his stunned state but found itself unable to inflict damage. Words like "Miss" faintly emanated above SCP-9743's head, indicating an unknown anomalous defense mechanism. SCP-9743's emotional turmoil triggered a transformation. A shadow covered half his face, and a glowing crimson aura emerged. A black panel appeared, displaying:

Lv: DETERMINATION In a chilling declaration, SCP-9743 promised destruction to SCP-3114:


The statement was less of a catchphrase and more of a death sentence, punctuated by an intense escalation of power.

5. SCP-9743's Retaliation SCP-9743 summoned a massive ethereal sword and began launching devastating magical slashes toward SCP-3114. Each swing caused explosions that obliterated sections of Floor 3, leaving gaping holes that extended to the facility's exterior. SCP-3114 was annihilated entirely, leaving no remains. The intense destruction compromised structural integrity across multiple levels, rendering parts of Floor 3 unsalvageable.

Impact of the Incident Psychological State of SCP-9743

Witnessing SCP-105's death has permanently scarred SCP-9743, shattering the careful emotional balance he previously maintained. His behavior now veers toward unrestrained aggression, with diminished regard for containment or cooperation. His reference to "Love" (Level of Violence) and his invocation of "Determination" reflect deeper psychological and metaphysical aspects of his anomalous nature, previously unobserved.

Damage to Site-19

SCP-9743's retaliation obliterated large portions of Floor 3, with damage extending to Floor 2. Key containment chambers were destroyed, rendering recontainment of SCPs like SCP-173 and SCP-079 significantly more challenging. SCP-079 continues to exploit the situation, enabling SCP-173 to move freely via light manipulation while coordinating with SCP-035 to further destabilize SCP-9743.

Revised Foundation Response Immediate Priorities Neutralization of SCP-079's Influence: Reestablish control over Site-19's electronic systems to prevent SCP-079 from coordinating further SCP movements.

Containment of SCP-173: MTF units equipped with strobe lights must converge on SCP-173's last known location to immobilize it.

Psychological De-escalation of SCP-9743: Deploy SCP-999 or use SCP-105-related items (e.g., her personal effects) to redirect SCP-9743's emotional focus and mitigate his destructive tendencies.

Strategic Adjustments Analysis of SCP-9743's Transformation: Further study SCP-9743's "Lv" panel and its connection to his emotional state. Determine whether this represents a measurable scale of hostility or a trigger for greater anomalous capabilities.

Exploration of Determination as an Anomaly: Research SCP-9743's use of Determination as a power source, focusing on its relationship to stamina, strength, and emotional state.

Reclassification of SCP-9743: Based on observed abilities and psychological instability, consider reclassifying SCP-9743 as Keter with notes on his extreme volatility under emotional distress.

Potential Future Developments Further Breach Scenarios SCP-079 & SCP-035 Collaboration: The pair may attempt to exploit SCP-9743's grief further, redirecting his aggression toward Foundation personnel rather than other SCPs.

SCP-682's Recovery: SCP-682 will likely adapt further to SCP-9743's abilities, leading to another confrontation that could escalate beyond Site-19.

Uncontained SCP Threats: SCP-173 and SCP-106, still at large, pose significant risks to personnel and resources. Their movements must be tracked and neutralized promptly.

Rebuilding Trust with SCP-9743 New Interaction Strategies: The Foundation must find alternative approaches to build rapport with SCP-9743. Introducing SCPs that share similar experiences or emotional capacities may help restore his cooperative tendencies.

Leveraging SCP-105's Memory: Using SCP-105's legacy as a means of reconnecting with SCP-9743 may provide a pathway to stabilize his behavior and gain his trust.

Worst-Case Outcome

Should SCP-9743 fully lose control or align with SCP-035 and SCP-079, Site-19's containment protocols may fail entirely, requiring full evacuation and potential deployment of Thaumiel-class assets to neutralize SCP-9743.

  1. A big skeleton sword, very sharp, completely red the blade with high intensity of the color, with a skull in the front of the handle.
    The skull has a big red gem in the left eye, and a big blue eye in the right eye, and it's mouth is covered by a big gem of a golden yellow flower in the middle, and tinier in the sides.