As Luca fainted, his body started undergoing tremendous changes. The fruit's energy, still coursing through his veins, surged through his body, sinking deep into his muscles, bones, and even his very cells. It was an overwhelming sensation—like fire and ice battling inside him. At first, his body absorbed the energy hungrily, but soon, it reached its limit. The excess energy had nowhere to go.
As his body continued to undergo the transformation, his cells overloaded and burst apart, releasing a surge of energy that was then channelled back into his body to create new cells. This cycle of destruction and renewal repeated over and over, allowing his body to change and adapt without collapsing entirely. The process was intense and violent, with his body's tissues and organs being reshaped and reformed at a molecular level.
The bones in his body thickened, becoming stronger. His blood circulation increased, carrying life-giving energy to every part of his body. His skin radiated heat, and sweat seeped from his pores, soaking his clothes.
Beneath the surface, more changes were taking place—changes that were invisible and incomprehensible. His very being was undergoing a transformation at a level beyond his physical awareness. As he lay unconscious, time lost all meaning, as his body continued to change to accommodate the energy.
The majority of the energy penetrated deeper into his body, permeating his vital organs and systems. His heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and bone marrow absorbed the energy, storing it in reserve to fuel his newly enhanced physiology. The energy infused his nervous system, strengthening the connections between his brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
Hours passed, and the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape. Luca's body continued to undergo its transformation, his cells regenerating and adapting to the new energy coursing through his veins.
Finally, Luca's body began to stabilize, the changes slowing to a stop. He lay there, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his body aching but strangely light.
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Luca slowly came to, his mind foggy and his body weak. He was disoriented, unsure of how much time had passed or what had happened to him.
But as Luca looked at the creature, he was filled with gratitude. Luca could feel his increased physical strength and powerful vitality still flowing through him. This was all thanks to the fruit given by it.
Luca pushed himself up, wincing as his stiff limbs protested. He was drenched in sweat, and his clothes stuck to him uncomfortably. He felt dirty, sticky, and disoriented.
The creature hadn't even left his side, silently protecting him. Unaware of how to express his gratitude, all Luca could do was pet the creature with kindness.
The creature, sensing Luca's intentions, stood up. It padded closer, pressing its snout against his shoulder. Luca smiled, reaching out to stroke its fur. "I'm okay," he murmured, feeling a sense of warmth.
Luca took a quick bath in the water. He remembered his mother would be home by now, and he had already been gone too long.
"I have to go," he said gently. The creature let out a soft whine, rubbing against him insistently. Luca smiled but shook his head. "I promise I'll come back. But I really have to go now."
After a few moments of coaxing, the creature finally let him go, though its ears drooped in disappointment. Luca gave it one last pat before turning and running toward home.
The night air rushed past him as he sprinted through the trees. His body felt different—lighter, stronger, faster. Each step carried him further than before, and the ground seemed to blur beneath him. He wondered if this newfound speed was just his imagination or a result of the fruit's power
By the time he reached his home, he was out of breath. The small house stood in the dim glow of the lantern inside, its windows casting a warm yellow light onto the surroundings. As he approached, he could hear voices.
Stepping inside, he froze. His mother sat at the table, her face buried in her hands. Their neighbour, Elara, sat beside her, rubbing her back comfortingly. His mother was crying.
The moment she saw him, she shot to her feet. In an instant, she was in front of him, wrapping him in a tight hug. He could feel her shaking. She didn't speak, just held onto him as if afraid he might disappear again. Her warm tears soaked into his shoulder.
Luca's throat tightened. He had scared his mother.
Elara sighed and turned to him, her expression stern. "Luca, where were you? Your mother has been worried sick! We were about to ask the village chief to organize a search party! If you're going to leave, at least let her know first," Elara finished, with a firm voice.
Luca lowered his head, feeling a mix of guilt and shame. "I'm sorry, Auntie Elara. I'm sorry, Mom. I was just training... but then I got really tired and fell asleep."
Elara shook her head, her expression softening slightly. "Luca, you're the only one your mother has. Don't do this to her. She was terrified something had happened to you."
Luca clenched his fists, and said, "I promise, Mom. I won't disappear like that again. I'll make sure to let you know where I am and when I'll be back."
His mother let out a shaky breath, her eyes still red from crying. "Just come home safely, Luca. That's all I ask."
Luca hugged her back, feeling sad and guilty.
As they hugged, Elara stood up, a small smile on her face. "I'll leave you two alone for now. But Luca, next time, make sure to let your mother know where you are, okay?"
Luca nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Elara. "Thanks, Auntie Elara. I will."
After Elara left, Luca's mother pulled back, looking at him with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Luca, what happened to you? You look different. Why do your muscles feel so hard."
Luca hesitated, unsure of how to explain the changes he had undergone. He didn't know if he should tell his mother about the fruit and the creature, or if he should keep it a secret.
"I... I just trained really hard, Mom," he said finally, trying to downplay the changes. "I just had a small breakthrough in my training."
His mother looked at him and her eyes filled with relief and concern, "I'm glad you're safe, Luca". She then continued, But take care of your body, okay? Don't overdo it like today. You're all I have, and I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."
Luca nodded, and said with a firm voice, "Today was just an accident, mom. I promise it won't happen again."