Chapter 45: A game of speed

The next morning, Luca set out toward the mountains, his sword in hand. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of damp earth and leaves. As he reached his usual training spot, he glanced around, expecting to see the creature. But it was nowhere to be found.

Luca shrugged off the thought and began his training. Yet, he couldn't help but glance around, wondering if the creature would show up. He went through his sword drills, moving with focus and precision. The steady rhythm of his movements kept him concentrated, but a small part of him still hoped for a sudden appearance.

Just as he was finishing his routine, a heavy weight crashed into him from behind, knocking him flat onto the ground. Luca struggled, but the weight was too much. Then, he felt something warm and rough dragging across his cheek.

"Get off me!" Luca groaned, trying to push the creature away. But it continued to lick his face furiously, its tongue rough like sandpaper.

Luca twisted and squirmed, begging the creature to stop. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the licking ceased. Luca pushed himself up, wiping his face with his sleeve, but it was no use. His entire face was covered in drool.

He stomped over to the nearby stream, splashing water on his face to wash away the slobber. When he turned back, the creature was sitting there, watching him with wide, curious eyes.

Luca sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, we need some rules." The creature tilted its head, as if listening intently.

Luca held up a finger. "No pinning me down." The creature's ears drooped slightly.

"No licking my face," Luca added, and the creature's ears drooped even more.

Luca thought for a moment before continuing. "And no biting or scratching." The creature looked dejected, its head hanging low.

Luca's expression softened. "But you can lick my hand." The creature's face lit up, and it wagged its tail.

Luca sat down on a nearby rock, studying the creature. Its face was feline, but its body was sleek and muscular, like a small panther. Yet, its playful nature reminded him of a dog.

"You need a name," Luca said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. As he looked into its eyes, a name came to him. "Taro," he said.

The creature's ears perked up, and it seemed to like it. "I think it suits you," Luca said with a smile.

Taro stretched lazily and flopped onto its side, flicking its tail. Luca chuckled, then continued his training. As he practiced, Taro watched from a distance, swiping lazily at a butterfly that hovered near its nose using its tail.

After a while, Luca wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to Taro. "How about you help me train?"

Taro looked at him with puzzlement, as if unsure what Luca meant. Luca used a combination of words and gestures to explain, and eventually, Taro understood.

Luca broke a sturdy branch from a nearby tree and used it as a makeshift sword. "Strike gently and slowly, okay?" he instructed Taro.

Taro's eyes sparkled with excitement, and Luca emphasized, "Slowly, okay? Slowly."

Taro swung its tail at Luca, who dodged it with ease. "A little faster," Luca encouraged. Taro obliged, and Luca dodged again. The speed increased gradually, until Luca struggled to avoid Taro's strikes.

Even with Taro controlling its strength, Luca felt the impact of each hit. He steadied himself and asked Taro to continue.

As they trained, Luca realized that Taro viewed their sessions as a game. Consequently, Luca always ended up on the losing side.

Despite this, Luca found the training sessions with Taro to be far more engaging and enjoyable than training alone. As the sun began to set, Luca thanked Taro and bid it farewell, heading back home with anticipation for their next session.


Deep in the mountains, a boy danced with incredible agility, dodging the swift tail of a mystical creature. The tail struck with such speed that to an observer, it would seem as though the boy was moving at an unimaginable pace.

A week had passed since Luca began training with Taro. Despite his remarkable speed, Luca couldn't emerge victorious every time, as Taro continued to view their sessions as a game.

Initially, the training had been enjoyable for Luca. However, as time went by, he began to feel frustrated. Just when he thought he could dodge Taro's tail regardless of its speed, Taro would surpass his expectations, leaving Luca to re-evaluate his understanding.

It seemed as though Taro could swing its tail faster and faster without limit. Despite Luca's best efforts, he couldn't provoke Taro into using its full speed.

Each day, Luca became more fixated on dodging Taro's tail. Though winning seemed hopeless, the smug look Taro gave him at the end of each day was all the motivation Luca needed. It was as if Taro was silently challenging him, saying, "Is that the best you can do?"

Luca's determination grew, and he became completely absorbed in his training, driven by an unyielding desire to defeat Taro's tail.

That evening, as Luca collapsed onto the grass, breathless and exhausted, he looked up at the sky.

Luca turned to the creature. "You're holding back a lot, aren't you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

Taro responded with a nonchalant yawn and stretch, its tail twitching lazily.

He sat up and wiped sweat from his forehead. "One day, I'll be fast enough to dodge all your attacks," Luca declared.

Taro simply wagged its tail, giving him that same smug look. Luca groaned but couldn't help but smile.

As he got to his feet, he gave Taro a firm pat on the head. "See you tomorrow," he said before heading back home.