The Arcanum Helix Institute, a world-class research organization, was established by the leaders of the United World Authority with the goal of creating a military unit comprised of genetically enhanced humans. However, their first experiment went catastrophically wrong, resulting in the destruction of an entire town. In response, the institute shifted its focus to using children as test subjects, leading to widespread abductions and the creation of an elite military unit known as the New Generation.
Deprived of their memories, the members of the New Generation were conditioned to follow strict orders without question, becoming obedient instruments of the United World Authority. This remained the status quo until Johan's last assignment, which led to him to question his circumstances, triggering a recovery of his lost memories. As the truth about the institute and the New Generation's true purpose dawned on him, Johan became a target for termination by the institute.
Now, Johan stands alone against the formidable forces of the institute and the otherworldly powers backing them, determined to uncover the secrets surrounding his past and the New Generation's existence.