Chapter 7: When I am with you, it all feels different.

It took Tim a long time to calm down after the kiss. Willy waited patiently for him, knowing how important it was to Tim.

Tim: "Sorry. I'm just going to calm down and we can get on with our day. What's your plan next?"

Willy: "Don't apologize. I understand you. Bowling and pizza?"

Tim: "Do you specifically choose something you can easily lose at?"

Will: "No, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Tim: "Okay, I promised you I'd do everything for you today. Let's go play, but I have to warn you that I was a bowling champion at school."

Willy: "It's impossible to be the best at everything."

Tim: "It's not my fault that I was born perfect."

As always, he praised himself. At such moments, he always acted like an idiot in love with himself.

Tim: "I wasn't born perfect. I was always so busy that I didn't have time to think. I played different sports, studied foreign languages, read books, drew, and worked hard, which is why I'm the best at everything."

The more he got to know Tim, the more he realized Tim had a difficult childhood. He had a bad relationship with his parents, was always alone, and worked hard to keep himself from thinking about all this. It's no wonder he suffers from insomnia and has health problems.

Willy: "I wish I had met you sooner."

Tim: "What? Did I hear something?"

Willy: "It must have been very difficult for yo"

Tim: "Don't think about it, the important thing is that you're with me now and you can always be with me from now on."

Willy was amazed at how Tim managed to stay positive, many people couldn't handle all this. Now he appreciated him even more.

Willy: "Let's go play. Otherwise, we won't be able to make it because we have to get home early. There will be traffic in the evening and we might fall asleep if we're tired. We have to be at the airport early tomorrow morning. I don't want to be late."

Tim: "Let's go."

Even though they got out of the karting soon after, they still got stuck in traffic.

Tim: "I'm hungry. Why is there so much traffic in this city?"

Tim always complains when he is hungry.

Willy: "We're stuck here. There's nothing we can do."

Tim noticed something.

Tim: "I don't think so. Can you park the car somewhere?"

Willy: "Okay, but what are you going to do?"

Tim: "Trust me. I know how to get out of this traffic jam."

Willy noticed an empty spot and stopped the car. Tim happily got out of the car and waited impatiently for Willy.

Willy: "Where are we going?"

Tim: "Right there."

He pointed to the building where the motorcycles were parked.

Willy: "No."

Tim: "Why? Are you scared?"

Willy: "I'm not afraid, I just prefer the car."

Tim: "We have to stand in traffic for an hour. The motorcycle lane is empty and we'll get there sooner. I'm good at riding."

Tim winked at Willy.

Willy: "Now is not the time for this."

Tim: "Um, I meant the motorcycle, and it's not my fault if you're having bad thoughts."

He smirked. He always acts as if he's innocent.

Willy: "Forget it. I don't think they rent motorcycles here."

Tim: "Who said I had to rent one? I'm adding a new motorcycle to my collection."

Willy: "Don't waste money on nonsense!"

Tim: "I told you that I've been working since I was a child and I've saved up money. When you become my husband, then you can tell me what I can and can't buy, but not now."

Willy: "Who told you I want to be your husband?" - He replied in an angry tone.

Tim: "Don't be so sure. Yesterday you acted like my enemy. Today you told me you like me, tomorrow you'll probably be my boyfriend and the day after that you'll be my husband."

Willy: "That's bullshit."

Tim: "Let's see if you think so on Tuesday. We'll find out soon enough."

Willy: "What are you going to do? How did we get from buying a motorcycle to this topic?"

Tim: You started it. Come on, we're going to be late. If we're late tomorrow, you'll be complaining all the way, which I really don't want to."

Tim entered the building and soon selected a motorcycle.

Tim: "Are you ready for some adrenaline?"

Willy: "I'm not ready."

Tim: "Remember that you will always be safe with me. I will not let anything happen to you."

Willy got off immediately, as soon as the motorcycle stopped.

Willy: "Thank God. We are alive."

Tim: "Are you kidding me? You're such a drama queen. I've never ridden a motorcycle this slow and you're telling me you were scared? You drive your car so fast that sometimes I think you're flying."

Willy: "Because it's a car."

Tim now realized that Willy was really scared.

Tim: "Willy, you have to tell me when you're afraid of something. You don't have to do something you don't like just to make me happy. I will never force you to do something you don't want to do or don't like, you just have to tell me about it."

Willy: "I'm not used to expressing my feelings."

Tim: "I know I noticed this a long time ago. If I hadn't told you I liked you, you probably would have never told me about your feelings. I know it won't be easy, but try it."

Willy: "I promise I'll try."

Tim knows how difficult it is to express feelings. He knows it won't be easy for Willy, but from now on he will be by his side and help him.

Tim: "If you are better, let's go."

Willy: "Yes, let's go. I'm really hungry."

They left immediately because Tim was also very hungry. They ordered pizza and chose a place to play.

Tim: "Are you ready to be defeated?"

Willy: "This time I will beat you."

Tim started laughing. Angry Willy is always cute.

Tim: "This time my wish will be to stay with you."

Willy: "What if you lose?"

Tim: "Then you stay with me."

Willy put his hand on Tim's shoulder.

Willy: "Now you are cheating."

Tim looked at him with sad eyes. Willy tried not to look him in the eye. Tim realized this and moved closer to him. They really are like a cat and a dog.

Willy: "Okay, if you win, you can stay with me."

Tim: "Oh, so I'm staying at your house today."

Willy: "You talk a lot! Let's play."

It wasn't difficult for Tim to get the win. He was so happy that he started dancing.

Tim: "I think today is the day my wishes come true."

Willy: "You're a liar. You told me that today you would fulfill my wishes, and it turned out that today is the day you fulfilled your wishes."

Tim stopped immediately.

Tim: "Tim: Sorry, but it's not my fault. Sorry for being so perfect."

Willy: "Enough. I'm tired of hearing this."

If he didn't stop teasing him now, it would really make him angry.

Tim: "Okay. What's next?"

Willy was silent for a while, wondering what to do next.

Willy: "Let's go to university."

Tim: "What? At the university at this time? Why?"

Willy: "Shall we go to our club?"

Tim: "Do you think you can beat me at shooting?"

Willy: "Yes, without a doubt."

Tim: "Sorry, but you'll have to wait until summer to find out."

Until summer? Why? Willy didn't understand what Tim meant.

Tim: "The competition is in the summer. Did you forget?"

Willy didn't even remember the competition anymore.

Willy: "There are still 9-8 months left before that and I want to find out now."

Tim: "I can't fulfill this wish. Choose something else."

Willy: "Why? Are you afraid you will lose?"

Tim: "I'm not afraid. I don't want to compete in shooting before the competition."

Willy agreed. He didn't understand why Tim was acting like that, but he respected his decision.

Willy: "Shall we watch a movie together?"

Tim: "Okay, but not a horror movie. If I watch it, I won't be able to sleep at night."

Willy: "But you're staying with me today."

Tim: "Okay, let's watch it then and I'll sleep with you."

Willy's ears turned red. Tim was already used to Willy's reaction, so he would say things like that to him on purpose.

Tim: "I mean, we'll sleep in the same room."

Willy: "Please don't talk like that when we will be with our friends."

Tim: "I can't promise you that, because you have a very cute reaction and I love it."

Willy can't believe he likes this person.

They were checking the movie schedule on their phones. Can't decide what to watch. Which they liked was late at night, but they couldn't watch it because they had to be at the airport tomorrow morning.

Tim: "Let's go to the supermarket, buy snacks and watch something at your house."

Willy: "Sounds good. But how are we going to get home?"

Tim didn't remember that they came by motorcycle and that they had to bring Willy's car too. Tim called someone.

Tim: "My friend will come and take the motorcycle. We'll take a taxi and pick up your car."

Willy: "Should we wait outside?"

Tim: "A taxi will arrive in 5 minutes and then we can leave."

Willy: "Aren't we waiting for your friend?"

Tim: "It's not necessary. I'll leave the keys here."

Tim went to the manager and left the key with him. He informed his friend about it and they went outside. They soon reached the car.

Tim: "Are we going home soon?"

Willy: "In about 15-20 minutes."

Tim: "Let's go to the supermarket and buy chips, popcorn, and a soda."

Willy: "Okay. It's close to home and we can go there."

They bought everything they wanted. Willy parked the car in the garage and helped Tim carry the bags.

It was a modern-style two-story house with a pool.

Tim: "Wow, do you live alone in such a big house?"

Willy: "Why are you asking me?"

Tim: "If you don't want to live alone, we can live together."

Willy: "Are you planning to move in with me already?"

Tim: "Yes. When I'm with you, I feel good. I woke up happy this morning because I slept peacefully. I want you to always be by my side."

Willy was silent, not knowing what to say.

Tim: "I know you're not ready, you don't need to answer me. Let's go watch something."

Tim took Willy's hand and they entered the house. Willy turned on the TV and went into the kitchen. Bring out the plates and glasses. Tim sat down in the chair in front of the TV.

Tim: "What should we watch?"

Willy: "Choose whatever you want."

Tim: "Okay, let's watch this."

Willy sat down next to Tim. He rested his head on Willy's shoulder. The movie started and Tim soon fell asleep.