— MR. PRESIDENT, we'll be in in a minute.

— Thank you, Carrie.

She nodded and walked away from him. She knew that when President Vaine needed to concentrate, he didn't like anyone around.

— Good luck, dear —said the First Lady.

— You're all the luck I need.

She stroked his chin and walked away.

If I'm not the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, no one else can be...

— Mr. President, thirty seconds.

He nodded, adjusted his tape one last time, cleared his throat and began after the director's signal:

— GOOD EVENING. It is with IMMENSE sorrow that I come today to offer my condolences to the families of the victims of these heinous crimes that have shaken our nation in recent days. When I speak of my pain, I speak not as president of this country, but as an American citizen, as a father, as a son, as a brother.

The President's face had always been serene and impassive, but at that moment he was showing some of the pain he felt due to the recent events.

— I want to make it clear that these families who have been affected will have all the support they need during this difficult time. Tonight, my wife, Devon, and I will do what all American families will surely do, we will hug each other and say, "I love you." But because of this tragedy, there are those who will not be able to say it. There are those who will not be able to hear it. I know that words will not ease your pain, but I want to tell you:

You are not alone...

— Those responsible for these attacks sought to intimidate, shake, and terrorize the values ​​that make Americans, especially New Yorkers, who they are. It is clear that they chose the wrong people and the wrong city to attack. Not here. Not against us. And as the strong people that we are, I am certain that New York will persevere in the face of this tragedy. It is a monster that we must and will defeat.

President Vaine's face became as hard as if he were in a ring fighting for his life:

— I admit that we have been hit once again by one of its tentacles. Is it possible to remember September 11th without feeling emotional? There is no way, but that was an example of our ability to rise up and rebuild, and this time will be no different. As President, I am taking this personally. I want to assure you that the investigations are ongoing and the suspects will be found. Nothing will be forgotten, no one will be abandoned, no one guilty will go unpunished.

The President continued:

— In the coming days you will see great changes taking place. Every step we take will be a step forward towards ending this war. I, Kenan Vaine, will fight with all my strength to guarantee peace and freedom for the American people. Cutting this evil at its roots, starting today, will be my main objective. To all, thank you very much.

Statement by President Kenan Vaine, Sunday evening